It’s a New Year and a reason for a fresh start for some. From making new resolutions, looking for a job change or planning for new activities. Well, the job hunting process is one tough and competitive process.
To stand out from the numerous candidates, you have to stay up to date with the latest trends. At some point through your job hunting process, you will be asked for a resume. It is a vital document in the recruiting process.
How then do you tweak your safety manager resume, to meet the 2018 resume standards and beyond?
1. Customization
You should always customize your resume for each position that you are applying for. Don’t use a one size fits all approach. Ensure that your skills match those outlined in the job description.
Include the keywords used too. Whoever reviews your resume has to determine whether you are a suitable candidate or in, in a short time. They don’t have to make assumptions about you.
2. Audit of the Previous Year’s Performance
You need to review your success and achievements over the past year. What have you accomplished? Update your resume on your recent accomplishments. Include the new certifications that you have received.
Are there any new skills that you have acquired? Note them down on your resume. The recruiter will want to know what you offer them when they look at your safety manager cover letter and resume.
It will also help you when asking for a promotion or a salary raise.
3. Include Buzzwords
Use strong words to describe yourself, outline your accomplishments and suitability for a particular position. Avoid the usage of cliché words, e.g., I am a team player. Everybody else says that.
Showcase your expertise and knowledge in a particular field by buzzwords. Remove any old jargon. Are you using the right format for describing your practices?
4. Provide Proof
Every claim you make has to be accompanied by proof. It’s not enough to say that you are a business leader. Show how and where you had to apply your leadership skills. Quantify the outcomes where possible.
Did you help in increasing the company’s revenues? Provide supporting evidence.
5. Appearance
Your resume should be readable. It doesn’t matter whether it is in Microsoft Word or, PDF format. Ensure that the font you use is easy to read, and be consistent. You can also include bullets to list down points.
Stick to a one-page resume, unless you have the extra page will strengthen your case. It should be neat.
6. Start with experience
You want to dish out the useful information first. Keep in mind; the recruit has a few seconds to review the resume. Place your work experience first before your education.
The interest of the hiring managers is mainly in your experience and not education.
7. Remove unnecessary sections
There are many things that we include in a safety director resume that’s just a waste of space and time. You don’t need to add responsibilities or the objectives section. Take them out.
Instead, take time outlining your achievements and successes in a particular position or company.
8. Filter your Personal Information
You don’t have to write about your marital status. It won’t affect whether or not you get a job. In this section, include your official name, professional email address, contact details, and current address.
Remember to update your contacts. Make it easy for the recruiters to contact you.
9. Focus on Current Experiences
Unless those positions you were in, say 15 years ago, are relevant to the position that you are interested in applying, you don’t need to include them. The hiring managers are interested in who you are today, and what it is that you can do.
Don’t boggle them with irrelevant information.
10. Proofread
Before you click on the submit button or send it, proofread the document. Rectify any errors. You can even give it to someone else to review it.
Few are the open positions, and many are those who would like to get in them. Ensure that your resume stands out with the current trends. Also, check that your online resume matches with your other resume.
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