10 Steps To Build A Quality Blog

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December 29, 2014

10 Steps To Build A Quality Blog image ten steps build high quality blog

A Quality Blog Can Build Your Business

So, you think you want to blog? I’m all for it. I’m always encouraging my clients to blog. It’s a good idea for a variety of reasons. It is one of the best ways to connect personally with your existing audience, your industry peers, and potential customers while:

  • Increasing your engagement
  • Positioning yourself as an expert
  • Improving your website’s SEO

You don’t need to be the best writer in the world to get your message out there. You just need to be authentic.
Here’s what you need to start blogging today:

1.  Decide on a Blogging Platform

I recommend an open source CMS like WordPress which has excellent blogging tools and allows for growth into a full-blown, customizable website. Of course, there are tons of other popular platforms available like Blogger, Facebook Notes, or Tumblr.

2.  Get a Domain

It’s a small thing to have a domain name (anyone can get one). So, if you don’t get one it says you’re not even serious enough to do that one little thing. Also, with your own domain, you can customize the look of your blog.

3.  Choose a Focus

You probably have an idea in mind about what you want to blog about. But if you don’t, it’s time to decide. If you’re trying to position yourself as an expert in your industry, then write about your field. Pick a topic—not too broad, not too narrow—and stick with it.

4.  Dress for Success

You’ve got an idea of your audience and what they like. Next, you need to decide on a look that will both reflect your personality and appeal to your audience. As a web developer, I recommend keeping your design clean.

5.  Track Your Visitors

Set up web tracking for your site so you’ll know how many people are visiting, how long they stay, and what posts they’re most interested in. Google Analytics (which happens to be a WordPress plugin) is an excellent way to measure your site traffic.

6.  Install Other Plugins

There are plenty of helpful plugins that will add value to your site. For example, WordPress has a free plugin called SEO Friendly Images that automatically optimizes the pictures you post to increase your traffic and save you time.

7.  Get Blogging

Now you’re ready to blog. The main tip to successful blogging is to maintain a schedule and publish your posts at predictable times. This kind of reliability will help you build a loyal following.

8.  Promote Your Posts

You’re now part of a community. Connect with your peers. Engage in conversations, follow other blogs, and promote the posts you like. Then feel free to link to your blog from time to time. Also, promote your posts through your social media and invite visitors to subscribe to your blog.

9.  Watch Trends

Try to stay abreast of what’s going on online. Staying current is important to both appealing to readers and avoiding turning them off. So, stay informed. When in doubt, ask a teenager.

10.  Enjoy

Get ready for your blog to blow up with internet fame and fortune. No, just kidding. Just like life, if you want to get something out of it, you have to put a lot of effort into it. The good news is you’ll probably end up reaching some like-minded people who appreciate your efforts.

Just remember, blog for yourself first. Write what you know. Find a community. Contribute your unique perspective. And be nice. Also, if this all sounds daunting, hire a professional web developer to get you set up and handle the posting and social outreach so you can concentrate on what you enjoy—the blogging.

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