10 Tools For Discovering Content Your Followers Will Love To Share

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March 14, 2016

Compelling content will attract the right people to you, allowing you to build an audience of current and potential customers. More than that, posting great content on social is the the first step to higher engagement rates and a larger audience.

The question is, how do you find amazing content to share? Well your own awesome stuff is a great start, but if you live by the 80/20 rule, you might need to look at other sources as well. And for this, you’ll need a system that is time saving and easy to include to your daily routine.

Let’s take a look at some of the top tools that guarantee to save you time in curating the right content for social.


Feedly is basically a news aggregator that can pull any RSS feed. You can completely personalize your experience and add all your favorite news sources and blogs into a stream so that every day you can immediately find great articles in your niche to share. Feedly also shows the number of shares for each piece which is a great way to quickly grasp the social media buzz around a topic.



Newsletters within your industry can be a great source of content that just keeps on giving. But if you’re like I am and you are subscribed to a gazillion newsletters, Unroll.Me is an excellent tool that gathers everything in one place. So instead of flooding your inbox with countless emails every day, Unroll.Me compiles a list with all the updates into a nice email.



Twibble is a cool tool that will automatically post your blog posts on Twitter with amazing visuals to go with. All you need to do is set up the RSS feed and specify how often you want to tweet, hashtags and attributions. Twibble then will start scanning your source for blog posts and automatically post them to your Twitter feed using the posts featured image. This is how your tweet will look like:

Twitter lists

What better source for amazing Twitter content than Twitter itself? Go through your Twitter feed to see what the good people you follow tweet about. But as Twitter feeds can get noisy, you might consider curating your own Twitter lists to categorize your followers. Keep in mind that you can also enrich your Twitter lists with people you don’t actually follow but you’re still interested in what they’re tweeting.

Twitter lists can be one of the best sources of content with endless possibilities. Your list can include anything from influencers in your field, bloggers or major news outlets. You can opt to make your Twitter lists public, for everyone to see or private for your eyes only.

Content Gems

Content Gems is a great content curation platform that suggests content based on areas of interest you fill in. You can either log in to the platform and schedule your content from there, or check out their daily email wrap-up of the most popular, relevant stories.

Content Gems


Klout guesses your fields of expertise based on your Twitter profile and suggests content that is relevant to you. You can always edit your topics to narrow down the content you are exposed to or explore new content.



Quuu is sort of a new kid on the block and combines hand-picked curated content and scheduling. All you need to do is pick the topic that is the most relevant to you and Quuu will schedule one tweet or more if you decide to share refer your friends, to be posted via your Buffer account.



Mentia is one of the tools I am experimenting with at the moment. You can enter a series of keywords and topics and it will retrieve relevant content ranked by popularity. The service also delivers a daily email with the most popular stories shared by your Twitter community.



Scoop.it is a content curation tool but also a content promotion platform in itself. You can create boards or group stories together but also discover any content other people share on the platform.



Nuzzel shows you what people you follow on Twitter have shared the most. On top of that, you can also subscribe to public Nuzzel feeds from other users that could be relevant to you, which would give you access to the top stories their communities are sharing.



In the end, it all boils down to knowing your audience. What would they find useful and what would they be more inclined to share? Knowing this, will help your content curation tremendously as you’ll know what content to look for from your trusted sources.

What are your favorite content curation tools? Let us know in the comments right below.

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