11 Efficient Twitter Tactics for Busy Entrepreneurs

Hi, Welcome

— June 9, 2017

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1. Use Scheduling and Management Tools

Using tools such as Buffer and Hootsuite provides a way for me to set my content in advance and also allows me to assess what is being said, so I can respond back and continually be involved despite being busy with other things. It’s important to use tools that can automate part of the social media process for you. – John Rampton, Due

2. Combine Automation with Personalization

Scheduling automatic updates on social tools the same way you would set milestones for your sales figures and projections on a quarterly basis is one of the best strategies in executing multi-tiered outreach. This way you can let the world know you still exist and what you’re up to, without having to sacrifice your operating schedule and focus on your business. – Jacob Tanur, Click Play Films

3. Create Curated Twitter Lists

Curate lists of other Twitter accounts to discover new content to retweet. For example, create lists of the accounts of the top industry publications, thought leaders, etc. This can help you find additional valuable information to share with their audience. You should also create a private list of your own clients to keep abreast of their latest news. – Adelyn Zhou, TOPBOTS

4. Set Aside 15 Minutes Daily

Find an extra 15 minutes in your daily schedule and devote it to Twitter. Reply to mentions, share content, retweet relevant content and engage with your followers. This can all be done in less than 15 minutes each day, and the end results are ten-fold. It’s a great social platform for relationship building, as it’s short and sweet, eliminating the fluff. I spend 15 minutes every morning on it. – Jonathan Long, Sexy Smile Kit

5. Always Plan Ahead

Since the lifespan of a tweet is so short, you want to make sure that you’re tweeting frequently and consistently. This is why planning ahead is so important. Stay on top of what’s going on in the Twittersphere. Keep a calendar of weekly Twitter chats or create a list of hashtags from conferences. Planning, drafting, and scheduling out tweets is your key to Twitter success! – Solomon Thimothy, OneIMS

6. Schedule and Post Frequently

Don’t just schedule once a week. Buffer is my recommendation for scheduling, but if you get on every Sunday when you have an hour and plan the whole week, you’re going to miss current events and happenings that are going on. Try to get on at least three times a week so your posts are recent; things grow stale fast on social media. – Kevin Conner, Vast Bridges

7. Just Tweet What You’re Reading

Most entrepreneurs read about their industries – at least a little. When you come upon an interesting article, tweet or retweet it. You will gradually come to be known as someone who shares useful content instead of constantly engaging in shameless promotion, and you will build a following on the platform. – Alexandra Levit, PeopleResults

8. Outsource

Outsourcing is a great way to take some of the pressure off. Hire an experienced and knowledgeable freelancer to create content and schedule it out, that is the most time-consuming part. Once they have completed that, you can review all the content and approve or make necessary changes. This will allow you to free up your time for other projects but still have final say over the platform. – Dave Nevogt, Hubstaff.com

9. Be Consistent

We can always do the dos and don’ts in posting, but if we’re not consistent, it’s all useless. The strategy is to be consistent in the message you want to say, the number of videos and posts you send out in a day, and the kind of engagement you do with your followers. The strategy isn’t just to be consistent in posting, but also be consistent in engaging with followers — that’s the way you know you won! – Daisy Jing, Banish

10. Join Conversations

You won’t get the most of Twitter if you treat it as a platform for pushing out your own content and opinions. Follow other people in your industry. Join and start conversations. Share other people’s content. Treat it as a massive water cooler rather than just a conduit for self-promotion. – Justin Blanchard, ServerMania Inc.

11. Work With Crowd Influencers

The best strategy right now is influencer marketing. It is perfect for busy entrepreneurs who don’t have the time to grow a Twitter account. The first thing you should do is a search for businesses in your industry that has a large following. Next, offer them some type of free inexpensive service in exchange for tweet mention. This also works great as an endorsement. – Duran Inci, Optimum7

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Author: Young Entrepreneur Council

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