Twitter is no Facebook. That however, does not mean that Twitter is not or cannot be valuable for your brand. According to the company, there are 320 million monthly users with one billion unique visits monthly to sites with embedded Tweets. That makes Twitter a hot place to be. Whatsmore, Twitter has become a more effective social commerce platform now that purchases can be made directly on the platform, much like Facebook and Pinterest. The massive traffic and option to “buy now” make Twitter all the more valuable to your eCommerce business.
Generating revenue from Twitter can be a little more difficult than via Facebook. However, by setting your eCommerce brand up with the right Twitter tools,Twitter can become a source that helps you grow your social leads and generate more revenue.
Here are 11 of the best Twitter tools that every eCommere business should take a look at if creating a sustainable, growing, and recognizable brand is your goal.
Yes this is a URL shortener service, but if you think that the value of this tool ends with the ability to shorten a link and share it on Twitter, then it is time for a quick review.
By shortening your URLs and then tracking them, you can use’s simple statistics dashboard to get a clear understanding of what people are clicking on. Retweets and likes of tweets are not the best tellers of what does or does not engage your followers, but this dashboard certainly does do the job.
Don’t forget to create your own branded shortened domain, such as[your brand], which is perfect for direcing fans to your homepage.
Buffer is well known as one of the leading social media post scheduling tool, however, just as we have smartwatches, Buffer does more than just help you schedule your tweets. Buffer enables “smart scheduling” by offering you the option to tweet at the best times, and then constantly use that same time in your schedule.
Buffer Posting Schedule
As an added bonus, you can easily create images for your tweets while in their system with their tool, Pablo (which is a great for Pinterest marketing too).
Like Buffer, this too is an advanced social media post scheduling software. One of the key features is the ability to optimize your tweets so that you are not just sending another tweet. You can automatically post your tweets (better do this after you optimize the tweets themselves) at optimal times, as well as share content with your fans based on location, language, and demographic.
This a great tool to expand the reach of your brand on Twitter. In short, Start a Fire enables you to share other people’s’/brands’ content on Twitter, while adding a reminder to those that visit the link that you are the one that has shared this with them.
When clicking the shared link, readers will be reminded who shared the link
If you are trying to build a social network of professionals that work together and support each other on Twitter, then this is a tool to start implementing. Get “good karma” for sharing others’ content, while promoting your own at the same time.
“If This Then That” is a terrific app that enables you to create powerful automations (called “recipes”) between different apps & services, one of which is Twitter. Of all the Twitter tools, this is the one with the potential to make your marketing efforts more efficient and productive.
With the app, you can easily manage Twitter lists by commanding that certain tasks lead to that person being added to a list (if they mention you, RT your tweets, etc.), as well as archive tweets to other apps.
Here’s just a sample of the things that you can do to get more of the right tweets out at the right time without having to stop your daily routine.
IFTTT Twitter Recipes via IFTTT
This is a great tool for anyone looking to take their Twitter use up a notch as it enables you to manage and analyze your followers in bulk, and not going through one by one.
Within a matter of seconds, we know that out of all the people we follow, that the below are some of the most important influencers. If we want to take our Twitter efforts to the next level, we should consider interacting with them.
You can filter your Twitter feed following based on the content of their last tweet, follower count, location, language and whether or not they follow you back.
The “Who to Follow” on Twitter is based off of who you are following and who is following you. In order to get your profile in front of the right people, consider adding this app to your arsenal so you can optimize your followers and who you are following.
This is the search engine for social media activity, with a focus on Twitter. You can “Topsy” any term that you’d like, and then you’ll get search results, as you would in Google, which you can then filter based on a variety of different options: when the term was mentioned, the type of media, and the language.
If you are debating between a variety of different keywords to tweet about, this might be a route to travel down. See below how we searched one hashtag, and then got the most relevant tweets of that hashtag.
Trying to find and track all of your engaged Twitter followers takes a lot of time. Finding and tracking influencers – an important task – is another time consuming project. simplifies your Twitter experience and enables you to start getting a higher ROI on your time spent on the platform by showing you valuable relationships (also categorized), follower insights so you can see who your new followers are, suggestions for people to unfollow, missed conversation you should reply to, and of course monitor engagement with your brand or your most important keywords.
One of my favorite features is the “Leads” tab which enables you to keep an eye on potential leads. I’ve played around a bit with our dashboard, but this is the layout you’ll see when tracking leads.
Mention is another great tool that can help boost your Twitter reach and effectiveness. Mention is exactly what it sounds like (and a bit more). You set up your account to track every mention (reference) of keywords, which can be either your own brand name, popular products, influencers, or your competitors. Every time something you are trying to track gets referenced to on the internet – you get notified.
Mention has helped us take part in countless of conversations that we otherwise would have missed out on (when we are not mentioned by @StoreYaCom on Twitter). Here’s an example of a daily email showing relevant references to us, that we can now share on Twitter.
Warble is similar to Mention, in that it is what’s known as a social listening tool, however Warble is focused on getting you up to date on what is being said on Twitter. After selecting the keywords that you’d like to target, you then automatically get an email whenever someone shares from your website, regardless of whether they mention your username or if they use a link shortener.
Aside from notifications regarding something that is shared from your site, Warble also tracks the keywords and hashtags of your choice. Below you can see just one of the 100+ notifications for “StoreYa”. Forget searching Twitter for keywords when getting them emailed to you is free!
SocialRank is a tool that makes it easy to identify and then organize your followers on Twitter (and also Instagram) by most valuable, most engaged, best followers, and most followed followers.
Twitter is part of the social media family. The key to winning at social media is being social. SocialRank makes it easier for you to be efficient with your interactions by guiding you to the right Twitter users. This is a great tool to use together with to help you know what influencers could help your brand the most.
SocialRank’s example of your follower ranking
Which Twitter Tools Will You Use?
Are these all the Twitter tools in the universe? This is far from all the tools available to power your Twitter efforts, however we feel it be quite an efficient list that has weeded out many tools that are either outdated, or have features that are similar, but not as powerful as those listed. If you do want more tools to look at then check out the 91 Twitter tools mentioned by Buffer.
This is our take. What’s yours? Are you using any of these tools? Are you using a different set?
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