LinkedIn remains one of the most valuable resources for a business in terms of building industry connections, finding talent and attracting new potential customers. So what are some good ways for a new business to make the most of its LinkedIn page in order to boost its following and gain more visibility?
1. Connect With Businesses in Your Niche
If you’re a new business owner, you should use LinkedIn to connect to other companies in your niche. For instance, if you just started an email marketing SaaS, you would want to connect with hosting companies, form builders and SEO specialists. These connections help you grow your following by giving you opportunities for cross-promotion, as well as software bundles for future customers. – Chris Christoff, MonsterInsights
2. Optimize Your Profile
Without a fully optimized, filled-out profile, no one will know who you are or what your business is about. It’s impossible to find you through search as well, so growing your community is nearly impossible without optimizing your profile. Your summary, experience, skills and other sections should be filled out. – Stephanie Wells, Formidable Forms
3. Join Relevant LinkedIn Groups
To grow your LinkedIn page, join LinkedIn Groups that are relevant to your target audience. For example, a company that offers an online photo editing tool should join LinkedIn groups for photographers, graphic designers and so on. Once you’re a part of these groups, you can participate in conversations (without being salesy) in order to make connections and attract more followers. – Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster
4. Promote Engagement Via Exclusive Content
Most companies are sitting on a goldmine of data or access to information that could be considered interesting. On LinkedIn, you can create a post highlighting a specific offering, such as an infographic or Excel resource. To give access, you can create a call to action that includes liking the post, tagging a friend or even providing an email address via a private message. – Jared Polites, LaunchTeam
5. Add Short Videos to Your Profile
We’ve gotten great results from short videos on our company account. Some of them are professionally created and edited — often in support of an event like our annual conference. But we’ve also seen success with informal talking-head videos from me or some of our other leaders. These videos don’t need to be long — less than two minutes is great. Mix it up and see what works best for your audience! – Yaniv Masjedi, Nextiva
6. Have Staff Build Their Personal Brands
LinkedIn is more than simply a network about a company building its own page. It’s built off of people that are strengthening the community and the network of people that want to listen to them. They do this best by creating a lot of value-driven posts for their network and trying as much as possible to have legitimate and sincere interactions on the platform. – Nicole Munoz, Nicole Munoz Consulting, Inc.
7. Publish Job Postings
The fastest way to supercharge a LinkedIn page is through a job posting. LinkedIn users are job seekers and postings generate more views for your page and have an automatic follow capability. Then activate your community with long-form content that informs your followers and engages visitors. Growing your audience then engaging with content marketing is essential for authentic page performance. – Matthew Capala, Alphametic
8. Get Testimonials And Recommendations
Everyone has social profiles and LinkedIn pages, but what everyone doesn’t have is a good list of contacts and testimonials to back them up. This is something LinkedIn is quite unique at. Focus on your outreach, connecting with past clients and even coworkers or old bosses and see if they can send some love your way. Testimonials and personal recommendations always go a long way. – Zac Johnson, Blogger
9. Give Away Content People Typically Pay For
If you really want to build up a strong community of followers, you have to be prepared to sacrifice things, including your time and money. People will follow you if you can provide value to them. Invest your time and money in creating content that actually provides value and then give it away for free. This is something that will help you become successful on LinkedIn. – Jared Brown, Hubstaff Talent
10. Tag Relevant Influencers
One way to supercharge your business’s LinkedIn page is by tagging relevant influencers in all your posts. Without outside engagement, your posts won’t reach your target audience. A great way to get outside engagement is by involving people in your industry. After tagging relevant industry leaders, go to their profiles and engage with their content, as well. – Frederik Bussler, AngelStarter
11. Make Someone the Face of the Company
Company pages are intrinsically less engaging. By having someone be the face, it becomes more personal. If you don’t want to be the face, appoint someone else. No one comes to mind when you think of IBM or Android. When you think of Apple, Steve Jobs might come to mind. The same with Microsoft and Bill Gates. People buy from people. – Joey Bertschler, Cool Japan Holdings
12. Be More Active
It seems obvious, but the best way to move the needle on LinkedIn is to spend more time on the platform. There really isn’t a silver bullet of optimization, but if you spend two hours a day on LinkedIn connecting, commenting, sharing, optimizing, publishing, you will see results almost immediately. Most people want to find a shortcut, but nothing is more effective than active participation. – Jeff Keenan, LeadsRx
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