Hashtags are helpful for expanding your visibility and building your brand, but with the vastness of social media, it can be hard to actually see these benefits. If you want to get value out of your hashtags, you’ll want a more strategic approach to ensure you’re getting the right visibility and building a memorable brand.
This means using hashtags that are popular, relevant, targeted, and authentic.
So today, I’m going to share with you:
- Tips for coming up with authentic fall hashtags
- Hashtag ideas for September, October, and November
- Holiday-specific fall hashtags
And don’t worry, this is a pumpkin spice-free zone. Let’s start with the tips.
But if you want to skip to the hashtags, I’ll understand.
Tips for coming up with authentic fall hashtags
You’ll notice that a lot of the hashtags in this list are broad and, in many cases, inauthentic. BUT before you get your pitchfork—let me explain. The idea is to give you a starting point for your own brainstorming. And with the tips I’m providing below, you’ll be able to authenticate them to build your audience and brand.
1. Modify to industry and location
See if you can modify any of these hashtags for your audience, location, or industry. So instead of or in addition to #shoplocal, use #shoplocalboston.
Instead of #autumnequinox, use #autumnequinoxyoga.
2. Combine with other relevant hashtags
While these are popular hashtags, these shouldn’t be the only ones you include in your Instagram captions and tweets. Make sure you’re combining them with other location-based, branded, and industry hashtags.
So in this example, Lula’s garden uses #labordaysale but also #corporategifts #lulasgarden #giftidea. This is going to help you to stand out to the right audience andbuild a quality following.
3. Search the hashtag
There are two reasons to search your hashtag on Instagram. First, you never know what kind of slang or abbreviations are floating around out there. Do a quick check for the ones that aren’t totally obvious, just to make sure it stands for what you think it stands for.
The second is so you can understand search volume and get more ideas.
For example, here’s what a search for #fallrunning shows:
Now you’ve got some other ideas, like #fallrunninggiveaway, #fallrunningadventures, #fallrunningweather, and more.
4. Don’t rule out low volume hashtags
On that note, don’t exclude hashtags that don’t have a high volume of searches. Like we talked about earlier, it’s less about showing up for more searches, and more about showing up for more of the right searches.
And in most cases, the lower the volume, the more niche.
5. Think about what your audience is looking for in the fall
The hashtags in this post are related to national and even global trends and holidays, but put yourself in your ideal customers’ shoes. What are they looking for in the fall?
Here are some examples for different target audiences.
- If your target audience is parents—now that the kids are back in school, are they ready to get into an exercise routine? Could #fallfitness be relevant?
- If it’s college students—as they switch gears, maybe they’re interested in things like #studymusic or #studyhacks.
- If it’s PPC professionals, maybe they’re looking up particular marketing conferences. Those always have custom hashtags.
- If you offer seasonal products or services, cater your hashtags to those, like #seniorportraits or #seniorportraitideas.
6. Use keywords
There are different hashtag research tools out there, but you can also use regular keyword research to come up with hashtags. Now there’s definitely not a 1:1 relationship here—people perform pretty vastly different searches on social media than on Google, but it can still give some ideas.
For more help with hashtags, don’t forget to check out our hashtag marketing guide. Okay, now onto the lists (which you probbbbably already skipped to anyway)
Fall hashtags
September hashtags
September marketing ideas here!
You know that there’s #September[anything], like
But don’t forget about Labor Day, back to school, and the many national calendar days. Plus, remember that
Labor day hashtags
Back to school hashtags
Back to school marketing ideas here!
September hashtags for monthly awareness
#childhoodcancer / #childhoodcancerawareness / #childhoodcancermonth
#selfcare / #selfcareawarenessmonth / #selfcaremonth
#babysafety / #babysafetymonth
#selfimprovement / #selfimprovementmonth
September hashtags for national days
#internationaldayofcharity / #dayofcharity
#internationaldayofpeace / #dayofpeace
October hashtags
You know the drill. You can go with #October[anything]…
…but then we’ve got Halloween hashtags, monthly awareness hashtags, and national day hashtags.
Halloween hashtags
Halloween marketing ideas here!
October hashtags for monthly awareness
#breastcancerawarenessmonth / #breastcancermonth / #breastcancerawareness
#lgbtqhistory / #lgbtqhistorymonth / #lgbtqpride
#emotionalwellnessmonts / #emotionalwellness
#bullyingpreventionmonth / #bullyingprevention / #antibullyingmonth
October hashtags for national days and holidays
November hashtags
November marketing ideas here!
Do I even need to say it? #november[anything]…
And onto the more authentic stuff.
November hashtags for monthly awareness
November hashtags for national days
#uselessstuffday (that’s use LESS stuff, not useless stuff)
Thanksgiving hashtags
Small Business Saturday hashtags
40 easy Small Business Saturday marketing ideas here!
You might also be interested in these 126 holiday hashtags.
Your creative fall hashtag cheatsheet
So there you have it, hashtags for all things fall. And remember, to keep things authentic:
- Modify to industry and location
- Combine with other relevant hashtags
- Use a mix of hashtag types
- Search the hashtag
- Don’t rule out low volume hashtags
- Think about what your audience is looking for in the fall
- Use keyword research
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