250ok adds email validation feature

Following tests that show email address misclassified as “undeliverable”, 250ok Validation seeks to help marketers reach engaged consumers.

Email analytics and deliverability platform 250ok released a new addition to its email optimization toolset: email validation capabilities. 250ok Validation and help marketers identify active, valid email addresses on their lists.

Related: This is why marketers must take email deliverability seriously

In testing 250ok Validation, against competing validations tools, 250ok discovered data suggesting other vendors are underreporting valid addresses, leading marketers to misclassify them as undeliverable. This leaves marketers at risk of suppressing misidentified subscribers from their campaigns. The outcomes of this could range from a decrease in open rates and engagements to a gradual decrease in marketing ROI.

Why we should care

The email marketing process doesn’t end once an email is sent; we need to track and analyze performance in order to improve future campaigns or practices. One of the most frustrating things about email metrics, however, is that most email service providers (ESPs) provide limited insight into how the email is treated once it reaches the Internet service provider (ISP) and what the recipient does with it. Solutions like 250ok Validate and others on the market could provide much-needed insight into misclassified email addresses. By ensuring marketers are reaching active and valid contacts, marketers should expect to see a lift in engagement — a key factor in improving deliverability.

“When senders are able to get more accurate results, they can send more email to deliverable addresses with confidence,” said Alex Griffis, SVP of product at 250ok. “The more invalid addresses on a list, the greater the chance of damage to sender reputation and overall deliverability, which results in less email ROI and missed customer opportunities.”

More on the news

  • 250ok will soon release real-time verification and a web form plugin to further enable marketers to verify email addresses as they are collected. Platform users can be proactive about their list hygiene at the point of collection with the ability to customize parameters and help subscribers catch typos.
  • 250ok Validation is the sixth feature to be added to 250ok’s expanding platform, joining Inbox, Reputation, DMARC, Analytics, and most recently, Design.
  • By combining email deliverability, hygiene, design, security, and engagement analytics into a single solution, 250ok now allows marketers to consolidate multiple marketing technology stacks.

About The Author

Jennifer Videtta Cannon serves as Third Door Media’s Senior Editor, covering topics from email marketing and analytics to CRM and project management. With over a decade of organizational digital marketing experience, she has overseen digital marketing operations for NHL franchises and held roles at tech companies including Salesforce, advising enterprise marketers on maximizing their martech capabilities. Jennifer formerly organized the Inbound Marketing Summit and holds a certificate in Digital Marketing Analytics from MIT Sloan School of Management.

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