— March 22, 2019
There’s a lot of competition out there for businesses trying to promote their content through Facebook. But with 1.5 billion daily active users, Facebook might just be the platform that’s able to grow your business exponentially in a short amount of time.
Facebook is a useful platform to promote your business on because it already boasts so many active users. You know your target market is all over social media, so why not promote to them through mediums and channels you know they use?
Unfortunately, it isn’t as simple as creating the group and watching tons of members casually join in while you sit back and relax. Facebooks groups are no different from any other type of social channel; meaning, if you want to see it grow, you need to have a strategy in place.
If you’re trying to grow your Facebook group in a short amount of time, here are three ways to help you get started.
1. Target the right audience
This step is crucial and luckily comes at the very beginning. If you’ve created an entire Facebook group yet you aren’t totally sure who you’re targeting or what kind of content they’d eat up, you’re in trouble. Before you even create a Facebook page for your group, you need to know who your target audience is.
Map out a couple of buyer personas that match your ideal follower or customer. A buyer persona is a fleshed out profile of people in your target audience who are most likely to purchase from you and be interested in your products and services. They’re a great way to pinpoint who you should be targeting and how to do it in a way that speaks to them.
To get enough information on your target market so you can create the perfect Facebook group, there are a few things you can do. With existing customers or subscribers, reach out to them and ask them what you’d like to know. You can even offer an incentive like a discount code or a freebie if they fill out the survey. Track your site’s analytics to determine who’s visiting your site and engaging with its content.
2. Promote it through email
Growing your email list is an important part of any successful business. It’s also a great way to promote new content and tell your subscribers what’s new with your brand and how it would interest them.
If you have existing subscribers in your email list, send them an email with a link to your Facebook group. Explain what it’s about, why they should join, and what benefits they’ll receive by doing so. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a lead magnet; you can promise them enticing future content like giveaways, useful blog posts, contests, and more.
You can also set up a welcome email with information on your Facebook group so that every time you earn a new subscriber, they’re informed about the group and likelier to join. If they already signed up to be part of your email list, there’s a high chance they’ll be interested in your group too.
3. Place links strategically on your website
Sometimes, you just have to be forthcoming with your promotional strategy, so there’s no shame in plugging your Facebook group on your website. You wouldn’t be ashamed to promote your email marketing campaign and your group should be no different.
The reason why promoting your group on your website is so effective is because your visitors are already interested in your content. The likelihood of wanting to join your Facebook group is already high because they’re your target market.
Popular areas to promote your group on your website are:
- Homepage
- Sidebar
- Header menu
- Footer menu
- Blog posts
- About page
You don’t want to make it seem like you’re desperate for more people to join your group, so picking and choosing where to place links is important. It’s kind of like optins; depending on how you present them to your audience and how frequently, it can either be really helpful or downright annoying. Knowing your audience beforehand will help you determine the best locations for your promotional links so you get more click-throughs.
Creating a new Facebook group is exciting work. It opens the door for more connection and communication with your audience while giving them content you know they’ll enjoy. With all the groups out there, it can be tough to shine through the crowd and get your voice heard. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure you don’t get lost in the sea of other already-successful Facebook groups so that your group can grow substantially.
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