3 Keys to a Successful Recovery Strategy

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3 Keys to a Successful Recovery Strategy

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I’ve been thinking about things in terms of frameworks lately.


Because I’ve found that complexity has become more of a challenge as we continue to deal with the pandemic. So offering people hooks and frames to help them with their thinking has become even more important lately.

Today, I want to talk about three ideas that we will call our COC framework for:

  • Change
  • Opportunity
  • Consistency

These may seem like three words picked out of thin air, but these three words could be the key to a successful recovery from the pandemic for your organization.

Let’s take a quick look.


Pat Riley said, “Change, the only thing that is certain in life is change” in one of his first commercials when taking over as head coach and president of the Miami Heat back in the 1990s.

That idea stuck with me over the years and as I sit here looking at the world as we move through the pandemic, I realize that these words are more important than ever before.

As we emerge from the pandemic, we can guarantee that things will be different and that change will be the norm.

Not in a blowhard, “change is so fast now” way, but in the way that things are going to look different now than they did when the pandemic started.

The key idea to keep in mind with change is that you have two ways of coping with it, you can hide from it or you can embrace it.

Again, as we get to the other side of the pandemic, you aren’t going to avoid it.

But one idea you should keep in mind that with all change comes opportunity.


I had a chat with a friend of mine, Simon, a few weeks back and we talked about what the future will hold for folks.

As I was preparing to hang up, I said, “the good thing is that there will be opportunities there.”

The reality is that there are always opportunities when there is turmoil and disruption. You don’t like to see a pandemic, but change is constant and when there is change there is disruption and, sometimes, turmoil.

This provides opportunities for folks.

I don’t want to say this in a negative way or a happiness at the unfortunate happenings in someone else’s life, but just in the way that change provides opportunity and you need to look at that now to help speed up and grow your own recovery.


This is probably one a lot of us have dealt with over the last year plus, consistency.

We have all struggled to have routines and rituals like we normally do.

Unfortunately, this can disrupt our consistency.

Or, for a lot of folks I’ve talked with, it has thrown everything they do into a bit of disarray.

With a kid home from school for about a year, new habits and routines were bound to emerge…and I can only speak for myself when I say I’m not sure that I ever really settled into a new routine.

This only takes my situation into account and I know that lots of folks dealt with even more extreme circumstances than just managing your son’s school and creating new habits.

But I bring all of this up to highlight the need to build consistency into your routine.

You need to focus on delivering on a promise daily or weekly, depending on what your goal is.

If you are trying to create new opportunities, how are you going to measure your progress?

The number of new people you talk with? The way you share your ideas? How?

Then, are you going to be able to deliver over time on the schedule you made for yourself?

That’s consistency.

So change is constant.

Opportunity happens even out of the craziest situations.

To win you must be consistent.

I may be writing this as much for myself as I am for you, but maybe this helps!

Let me know.

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Author: Dave Wakeman

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