3 Simple Steps For Driving Traffic To Your Website

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March 4, 2015

This month, we’ve been focusing on some of the tools we use here at 3Sixty Interactive to help with our online marketing. As I look through our recent posts, a majority of them have one thing in common — driving traffic.

Most of your tools should have that in common for the most part. So instead of focusing on one specific tool, we’d like to present our list of three things you can do to draw traffic to your website, so let’s take a look!

Content Is Everything

If only we all had a dollar for every time we heard the phrase, Content is King. Someone who has extra time on their hands really needs to come up with a new phrase for that. But it is true. Now days, everything is about your content; how visitors engage with your content and whether or not it’s relevant, trustworthy information. Even Google rankings are putting heavy emphasis on a site’s content. If your content, from images to links, are misleading or don’t work, don’t expect to see your website listing on the first page on a Google search page.

It’s Not Me, Me, Me All The Time

Obviously you’re going to talk about your company, what you have to offer, your specials, what separates you from the competition, etc. But it shouldn’t always be about yourself. If you haven’t heard of the 4-1-1 rule, look it up. This was a rule on Twitter popularized by Joe Pulizzi, which states, ‘For every one self-serving tweet, you should re-tweet one relevant tweet and most importantly, share four pieces of relevant content written by others.’

Although it’s geared towards Twitter, it can be used with any social platform. And, of course, you don’t have to follow it step by step, but you get the idea of how you should be mixing up your self promotion with relevant, educational material so you don’t come off as a company that is all about me, myself and I. If you provide educational material that readers enjoy, you can leave a link to a source on your website, which will in turn lead to traffic to your site.

B2B Can Be A Challenge

Drawing traffic with B2C has many options, but it can be a little trickier with B2B. You first have to identify who your potential clients are and go from there. You need to start at the top of the funnel, which in many cases, is your website. How are you going to get that particular business to your website? Is it going to be through the use of Adwords or is it an email campaign?

A great way for us has been what you’re reading now, which is our blog. By creating engaging, meaningful blog posts, you will not only attract businesses to your site, but you will attract the right traffic. Once you have a good blog up and running, you can then spread the word through the various social media channels. A great platform for B2B is Linkedin, where many businesses connect and engage. B2B is similar to B2C in many ways, you just have to be more selective with where you’re posting and who you are targeting.

Continue To Move Forward

As you can see, these three steps aren’t necessarily tools to use, but general strategies that you can use with some of the tools digital marketing offers. The landscape of digital marketing is continuously changing, so stay on your toes and look for new ways to engage and draw traffic. There’s plenty of untapped resources out there to try, whether it’s B2C or B2B.

If you’d like to learn more, feel free to download our digital white paper on Drawing Traffic to Your Website.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community


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