You think you’re a good leader. You have the position, the title and the power. You’re the boss. But your employees don’t work hard for you, they talk behind your back and morale is poor. You don’t understand why.
Well, here’s why.
1. Manage from your office
- You can’t tell how your business is running by just looking at reports while sitting at your desk. Get out of the office once and a while
2. Resist change
- Without trying something new, how will you ever get better?
3. Delegate more responsibilities then you take on yourself
- Real leaders don’t expect others to do their work for them. They do more than others while still assisting those in need
4. Manage by intimidation or threat
- And you wonder why business is bad
5. Take credit for others’ work
- Great leaders celebrate the good work of others, and not take credit for it
6. Don’t allow for employee growth
- Are you afraid of them leaving? Stop being so selfish and holding your people back. Let them learn another skill; give them an opportunity for promotion. If not, they will leave anyway
7. Jump to conclusions without the facts
- That email you just got may not be completely true. Find out what happened before you start the blame game
8. Don’t give regular feedback
- When was the last time you had an open dialogue with your team and asked the tough questions?
9. Think your employees are lucky they work for you
- There are plenty of other fish (bosses) in the sea. And especially ones that are great leaders
10. Fail to reward great performance
- Don’t think your employees can’t use a little recognition every once and awhile. Let them know how well they’ve done, each and every time
11. Hold meetings just because you need to have a meeting
- Such a time waster, especially when there isn’t a specific reason and goal for the meeting. What about a quick 10 minute conference call instead?
12. Are vague with your expectations
- How will they know what you really want without an exact explanation and obtainable objectives?
13. Expect more than possible
- You must be realistic; there is a limit to how much work some people can do before performance and quality suffer. Then what, will you question why their performance is off?
14. Start a sentence with “you should have known that” or “why didn’t you…?”
- Be positive at all times, even when doling out discipline
15. Don’t train, retrain, and monitor performance
- How do you expect your employees to improve? Seems simple, no?
16. Ask others to do things you don’t do yourself
- If you don’t follow the rules, why should others? You must maintain the exact same standards that you expect from your employees
17. Show favoritism.
- The fastest way to kill morale, so stop doing it
So, do any of these reasons apply to you?
Stay tuned for Part 2…
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