4 Calls to Action for Your Blog that Get Results

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One thing many entrepreneurs do wrong when writing a blog is not giving their readers anything to do at the end of the blog post. Put yourself in your audience’s shoes for a minute. You just read a great article, now what do you do? They are primed and ready to learn more from you or connect with you via email, connect on social media or take you up on a product recommendation! Give them what they are looking for! That’s what a call to action at the end of your blog posts is all about.

There are different types of Calls to Action that produce different results.

Here are just a few to get your creative juices flowing.

Encourage Readers To Comment And Interact With You

This is one of the easiest ways to craft a call to action. Simply ask your readers to leave you a comment. Invite them to share their own experiences on the topic, leave a tip, or ask a question etc. In other words, ask them to comment on the post.

Example: What are your favorite ways to grow your list? Do you use a particular system? Leave me a comment below.

4 Calls to Action for Your Blog that Get Results

Invite Readers To Connect Further Via Social Media

If growing your social media reach is a goal, consider adding some calls to action to “like” the blog post on Facebook, share it on Twitter, or pin it on Pinterest. You can also share one of your social media profiles in the call to action and invite them to join you there. Of course, you should have those handy icons on your website, but why not ask your readers directly?

Example: Got questions about creating blog posts? Let’s talk about it on Facebook.

Make A Recommendation

It makes sense to monetize your blog post in your call to action. You’ve already got your readers warmed up. Talk about a topic in your blog post and then at the end of it, make a recommendation for a product that helps your readers learn more or take the next step. This could be a video, book, group, program or even an affiliate product.

Example: I’ll bet you’d love it if every connection you know happily subscribed to your newsletter or e-zine and then opened every one 100% of the time…and even responded to them! So…how can you WIN at List Building? I have the perfect solution for you. Grab my Ebook ‘How to Grow Your List in 8 Easy Steps.’

Invite Readers To Join Your List

Often the best thing you can do at the end of your blog posts is to invite readers to join your list. Once you have them on your email list, you can invite them to come back and read other posts, comment on them, join you on your favorite social media platforms and, of course, make offers directly to them. Getting them on your list should always be your first priority, so use that call to action often.

Example: Want to know more about connecting with your audience? I would love to add you to my newsletter where you will receive more tips and strategies on a regular basis. Just enter your name and email here and we’ll get started right away. As a thank you, I’ll even send you my checklist: How To Pick the Right Email Marketing Service

Pro Tip: CTAs don’t have to be only at the end of your post! Studies have shown they are more effective when they occur within the body of your content. (As I’ve done in this post!)

Now that you have the basics, you will begin to think of more you can use. It depends on your goals, what you want to promote and the topic of your blog. The key is to remember to ALWAYS include the CTA.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Karen Repoli

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