4 Essential Tips To Wrap Up Your Year At Work

Hi, Welcome

— December 14, 2017

Well here we go – this is your friendly reminder that we have less than a month to go before we turn the page on a new year.

But before you drop everything, here are some end of year tasks that you should consider completing first.

4 Essential Tips To Wrap Up Your Year At Work

Unsubscribe & Organize Emails

Now is the time to go through all your old emails and delete all the ones you thought you needed and never used. Organize all the great articles you were going to read at some point and never did and delete the ones that are no longer relevant. Create folders for all of the important emails that you need to keep.

This will help you to stay organized and will also help to keep your email inbox clean. Once you have set up files, when an email comes in, you can read it, file it or delete it. As long as you follow the read it, file it or delete it rule, your inbox will be clutter-free and not overwhelming with 100 emails to read. Unsubscribe from those unwanted mailing lists allowing you to easily read and not miss out on those important emails.

4 Essential Tips To Wrap Up Your Year At Work


  • Review hiring processes
  • Have departments check staffing needs to plan for new hires
  • Create and update succession plans
  • Update job descriptions ( see tips here )

4 Essential Tips To Wrap Up Your Year At Work

Set Work Goals

Nothing like setting yourself some personal work goals for yourself. We all love a challenge so why not push yourself. Maybe challenge yourself to look at something that will not only help you but your company also and implement it.

Choose goals that will help you grow, improve your skills, enhance your career, and make you happy.

4 Essential Tips To Wrap Up Your Year At Work

Get Up To Date With Industry Trends

Don’t go into 2018 blindfolded. Whatever industry you work in, make sure you brush up on what trends are expected to be big in 2018. Give yourself a headstart so that nothing will surprise you and you know what to expect.
Get a headstart with what to expect in recruitment (see article here)

We would love to hear from you! These are our tips, how do you wrap up your end of year at work? Leave your comments below.

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Author: Joanne McDonagh

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