Twitter’s new dashboard can seem a bit confusing, but there are a few reasons why should spend time checking it out. My two favorite features within the Twitter Dashboard are featured tweets and gallery functions – which can bring much more visibility to specific tweets. The dashboard brings all of Twitter’s “extra” features onto one easy to use screen. I’ll walk you through the 4 main reasons why you should give Twitter Dashboard a try.
Twitter has launched a slew of new products to go along with it’s network and help users explore analytics and what works on their accounts. One of these new products is the Twitter Dashboard. When you first set up your dashboard you’ll answer some questions about your account, interests etc. The dashboard then pulls tweets based on the parameters you set. Twitter Dashboard is a one stop shop for all of Twitter’s features.
1. Analytics
Twitter already offers deep analytics via – but the new Twitter Dashboard, gives you a nice overall snapshot of your account (in 1 -week, last 30 days and last 60 days intervals) covering your mentions, tweet impression, profile visits and more, while also letting you know if activity is up or down. Twitter’s new Dashboard seems like a great starting point for anyone who may be new to analytics. For more advanced analytics seekers I’d say stick to the dashboard for more in depth analytics about your audience tweets, and account. Clicking on “view tweet activity” for an individual tweet will bring you to the original dashboard.

2. Tweet Scheduling
Tweet scheduling can be done via Hootsuite or Twitter’s very own Tweetdeck, but dashboard has it’s own scheduling section. It seems straightforward and easy to use. If you don’t manage your account with a team and are using Twitter Dashboard to get analytics, why not keep your tweet scheduling in the same place?
My two favorite reasons why you should activate Twitter Dashboard are based on gaining more visibility and reach per tweet or campaign: Gallery and Featured Tweets. Both these sections sit at the top of your profile. When someone visits your profile they’ll see these tweets first. Here is what your profile may look like:
3. Gallery
Twitter Dashboard allows you to set up a gallery of media tweets (photos, videos etc.) which sits at the top of your profile. You can choose tweets you’ve sent out as well as tweets you’ve been mentioned in. Here is a chance to tell visitors about you in 5 tweets! I chose a mix of my social media tips and lifestyle tweets to show you what I blog and care about. Set up is easy as you choose from a list of tweets you’ve sent out or mention your profile. I can foresee people getting super creative with presentation.
4. Featured Tweets
We always talk about using social media to establish leadership and trust. Featured tweets are a perfect tool to do just that. Unlike the gallery, you can feature tweets without media. Again choose from tweets you’ve sent or that mention you to be featured. For this section I chose a mix of my own tweets but I also included tweets from Social Media Today, and Hootsuite which share links to my posts on Social Media Today.
I will close out by saying that the new Twitter Dashboard may not be for everyone. More advanced Twitter users will more likely stick with the original in depth analytics panel. I see Dashboard as a very useful stepping stone for those who want to get a little more from their Twitter accounts. It’s ease into analytics and scheduling is again, a fantastic starting point for anyone who is new to the whole analytics experience. The simpler dashboard is also perfect for those times I need to quickly glance at Twitter profile growth and health without being distracted by all the other amazing metrics found in your dashboard.
This article was originally published here.
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