4 Tips On Running A Retargeting Campaign

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February 4, 2015

A retargeting campaign can be a great digital marketing technique for your business. If you’re not sure what retargeting is, it’s pretty simple. You are most likely already a part of a business’ retargeting campaign, but perhaps don’t realize it.

Let’s say you visit Walmart’s website and begin looking at flat screen TVs, but leave without making a purchase. Next thing you know, there’s TV ads from Walmart popping up as you surf the web. How the heck did that happen?! Is the internet stalking me?Obviously not.

This is called a retargeting campaign. A site tracks what you were looking at and strategically places ads of similar products while you surf the web. It’s a great strategy, but as I mentioned, it has to be run properly, or it could become a nuisance to the person you are targeting. So here’s some tips to run a successful retargeting campaign…and not annoy the heck out of people who visit your site.

Don’t Bombard Them

The last thing you want to do is overload someone with ads from your site. While some people might not notice your ads, others pay close attention and can turn away from your business if they feel overloaded by ads.

Thankfully, there’s a very simple process of avoiding overexposure and that’s a frequency cap. A frequency cap simply limits the number of times an ad will pop up on a user’s page. So be sure to select a proper amount of times a user will see your ads.

Starting Line to Finish

You have to view your retargeting ad as the starting line and the checkout page as the finish line, which means there has to be content in between to connect the two. This begins with a landing page, and your retargeting ads should bring your potential customer to this point. Your retargeting ad is just a way of getting users back to your site. From there, it’s up to you to design a landing page that further leads them down the funnel to a conversion. So make sure you have a landing page ready to go for your ads.

Know Where Your User Is In the Sales Cycle

Not everyone is going to be on the same step in their path of purchasing something from your site. Perhaps a person already has a clear picture of what they are looking for and heads directly to your products page. On the other hand, someone could come to your site having no idea what they want and spend much of their time on your home page. You can track this and place different retargeting ads on different pages of your site, and then that particular ad will pop up on the user’s web pages as they surf the web. That person that came to your site with no idea what they want will best be served with brand awareness ads. The user who already went to your products page will probably be more interested in ads that display your products.

Final Overall Tip

Know your customers, or potential customers. There’s a lot you can learn from watching the habits of the visitors on your site. And by knowing your visitor’s habits, it only helps when creating your retargeting campaign. Take note of things that they often have in common, like the time of the day you see most traffic, or what is your best entrance pages. You also don’t want to waste your efforts on a visitor who isn’t a likely candidate to lead to a conversion. For example, if you don’t ship internationally, then filter out those visitors. The more you understand your visitors and potential customers, the better off you will be with your retargeting campaign.

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