How to Help Sales Develop Higher-Quality Leads
Producing higher-quality and quantity of leads continues to be a top challenge for companies. Smart management can help Sales Development Representatives (SDRs) improve the quality and quantity of the leads they generate.
Here are four tips to help you manage and motivate your team to see better results:
1. Promote a strong relationship between Field Sales Representatives (FSRs) and SDRs
The support between the Sales Development Representative and the Field Sales Representative is one of the most critical in your organization. But too often it goes undervalued.
Involve SDRs in Field sales calls. This educates your SDRs and provides real-world training. It sets the tone for a collaborative work environment. And it is very rewarding and motivating for the SDR to see when a sales occurs!
These are just a few of the significant benefits your company is likely to realize when you include SDRs in sales meetings.
2. Prepare For the Day
This tip comes from personal experience. Early in my career, I learned the hard way how important it is to have prepared, printed lists for your daily calls. While it’s rare that you may not be able to access your network or CRM one day, it does happen. You can avoid wasting a lot of time by taking one small precaution to have a backup or printed copy of your list.
This is one simple but impactful preparation tips in my free e-book, How to Help Sales Development Representatives Produce Higher-Quality Leads.
3. Remove Obstacles
Lack of a well-prepared call list is a huge time-waster for many SDRs. Companies should NOT require SDRs to look up the name of the company, the prospect’s name, title, and contact information. Help make the best of your SDR’s time by giving the SDR all the details in the CRM, including name, phone numbers and email, so they can use their pre-call research time most effectively.
These are just some of the many needless obstacles that you can remove, to help your SDRs produce better quality leads. See my free e-book for more!
4. Share Customer Success Stories
Nothing sells like success. Stories to prospects about how you enabled others like them to succeed are one of the most powerful sales tools around. Yet many companies don’t provide materials that help SDRs articulate challenges their customers had, the solutions that your company offered or the results the customer achieved. There are many formats you can use to make this information available! Whether you write case studies, get testimonials, or create a cheat sheet, make this information accessible to your SDRs.
If you found these tips helpful, you may want to download my new FREE ebook: How to Help Sales Development Representatives Produce Higher-Quality Leads.
Get all the details on 4 steps to help you improve lead quality while leveraging the resources you already have.
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