5 Easy Tips That Will Make It Easier To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

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April 4, 2016

If you don’t know how to get people to read your content, you might as well stop writing.

It may sound harsh, but it’s true.

Creating quality content isn’t easy, is it? You spend tons of hours doing research. Then you write the draft. Then you write it again. And again. Until finally, you have a nicely written piece of content that is designed to blow the socks off your readers.

You feel as excited as an owl in a field full of rodents!

Until you realize that nobody is reading it. That doesn’t feel too good at all, does it?

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way. There are things you can do to make sure people are consuming the awesome content you have created.

This post is going to give you five awesome tips that will make it easier to drive traffic to your blog. When you start implementing these tips you will see that it doesn’t have to be hard to get people to read your content.

Let’s get started!

Make Your Blog Easy To Read

One of the main things that turns potential readers off is hard-to-read content. Nobody wants to have to work to understand what you’re writing.

That’s why it’s important to make sure your content is as easy to consume as possible. You want your readers to be able to digest what you’re writing with the least amount of work.

It doesn’t matter how great your content is if people have to put in too much effort to read it. The last thing you want is for potential readers to flee from your site because they don’t want to put in the time and effort to read what you’ve written.

Here are some points to consider:

  • Use short paragraphs. Two to three sentences is best.
  • Use bullet points whenever possible. Like I’m doing here. Bullet points make it easier to skim through your content.
  • Don’t use complicated jargon that will confuse your readers. Ideally, you should write at about an eighth grade level. This tool can make it easier to make sure you are writing readable content.

The easier your content is to read, the more readers you’ll attract making it easier to drive more traffic to your blog. When readers can easily skim through your content and digest the information you’re providing, they will be more likely to return to your blog and share your articles.

Include Plenty of Images

If you’re not using images in your content, you’re doing yourself a disservice. People are 80 percent more likely to share content with images. If you’re not using images in your content, you should start now.

There are several sites where you can find great stock photos. Some of these sites provide stock photos for free.

Create Content in Places Other Than Your Blog

Your blog should serve as the “headquarters” of your content. It’s where you want readers and potential customers to visit when they come to your site.

However, it’s not the only place you should be creating content. One of the most effective ways to boost traffic over the long term is to create a viable guest posting strategy.

Guest posting is when you approach a blog and offer to contribute pieces of content. When you guest post, you get the byline and you can include links to your site in your bio. If you create high-quality content, people are more likely to click the links to your site.

Guest posting is a great way to siphon traffic from other blogs that are more popular. It’s one of the most effective long – term strategies for building traffic.

There are a lot of articles that can teach you how to guest post. Here’s a few:

Guest posting is an important traffic building strategy. These articles will help you get started.

Make Your Content Helpful

As you probably already know, it’s not enough to just create content. You have to make sure that the content you create is actually beneficial to your readers. Otherwise, why would they read it?

You need to give your readers a compelling reason to continue reading the content you create. This means that each piece you write should benefit your reader in some way. Your ultimate objective with each piece of content you create should be to make your reader better off than they were before they read it.

A piece of content should be designed to educate, inform or entertain. Of course, some pieces may do all three. Before you write a blog post, or other type of content, you need to ask yourself what your reader is going to get from reading it. If you can’t answer this question, it’s not very likely that you will create content that people want to read.

According to Arsen Rabinovich, CEO of Top Hat Rank,

“The ultimate goal of any content strategy is to serve up content which builds brand awareness, increases traffic, boosts your reputation, earns customer loyalty and helps push readers towards a conversion.”

It’s true. And this is why you have to make sure your content is as helpful as possible. Quality content will make it easier to drive traffic to your blog.

Work to Gain More Exposure

Creating content is completely pointless if nobody’s able to see it. This is why you need to get as much exposure for your content as possible.

You have to put your content in front of the people who are interested in reading it. This means you have to promote it.

Here are a few tips:

  • Find out what social media platforms your desired audiences use the most and engage with them there.
  • Visual content is the most widely shared. If you can re-purpose some of your existing content into infographics, video or other types of visual content, you will get more traffic.
  • Consider using paid ads. Facebook ads are a great way to get in front of more people.

Getting as much exposure as possible is crucial to your content marketing efforts. The more you are able to get in front of the eyes of your audience, the more readers you will get.


Great content is useless if nobody sees it. For all intents and purpose, it might as well not exist. This is why it’s important to make sure people are reading what you write.

As you use the tips given in this article, it will be easy to see how much more traffic you will generate. When used on a consistent basis, these tips will make it easier to drive traffic to your blog over time.

Closing Laptop Photo via Shutterstock

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