Blogging is everywhere. If you don’t already have a blog, then you are already behind. However, it’s not too late!
Blogs are going to be around for many more years to come and in this article I’m going to tell you why there will never be a better time for you to start your blog, then today.
Content is King and WordPress is the Kingdom
Before we jump into the list of reasons why you should start a blog today, let’s first talk about what blogging really is.
Blogging isn’t just a “hippy” term for talking about your feelings online… blogging is actually much more.
In fact, I don’t even like to consider “blogging” as “blogging” anymore, because now it’s all about WordPress, which is the content management system that is used to run the majority of blogs on the internet.
Instead of talking about feelings, passions and just creating your own little spot on the internet, blogs are simply the way to create content online.
Why You Should Start a Blog in 2015
There are literally hundreds of reasons why blogging is beneficial and why the earlier you get started, the better off you will be. To make this list short and to the point, I’ve selected five of my favorite reasons why I tell everyone to start a blog.
1.) It’s Fun
Yes, blogging is fun! It’s even more fun when you are writing about something you are passionate about and enjoy. Your blog can be about anything you like and as you continue to build out your content over time and start to grow an audience with people that have the same interests… then it gets really excited!
2.) It’s Easy
Blogging is amazingly easy! Years ago, you would have to setup web hosting, download ftp software, download wordpress and set everything up manually. Now you can simply sign up for a web hosting account (less than $ 10 a month) and get your own domain name ($ 10 year), do a quick one-click wordpress installation and you are good to go!
Once WordPress is up and running, it’s pretty much the same as writing a document in Microsoft Word or sending out an email. In short, getting live with your own blog is dead simple.
3.) It’s Profitable
Fun, Easy… and profitable too? Yes, you can even make money with blogging!
While blogging used to be about creating your own little space or having an online diary, it’s actually being used by most of the brands and businesses in the world today to deliver their content.
Blogs are also one of the driving forces for learning how to do new things online and usually rank at the top of the search results.
No matter what type of blog you want to create, if you can become an authority within your niche, you can monetize your content and audience through banner advertising, affiliate marketing, creating your own products and even launching your own ebooks or membership courses.
4.) New Opportunities are Everywhere
When you have a blog, you are putting your voice and content out there. This means new people are going to be finding your blog all the time… and you never know what may become a result of it!
For instance, I started my blog back in 2007 and since then it’s completely changed my life!
Without my blog I never would have propelled by personal brand, expertise and business to where it is today.
The same applies to every individual who creates their own blog and gets their name and message out to the world.
5.) Blog are the Best Way to Get Started Online for Anything!
Lastly… blogs are simply the best way to get started with anything on the internet in regards to content creation, brand message, selling online or anything else you can think of.
Many online blogs start out as one thing and end up as another — such as hobbies into million dollar businesses!
Whether you are starting a web site or blog for the first time or are an internet veteran with years of experience, a blog can simply do wonders for getting your name, brand and expertise out there.
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