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In this post, I’ll talk about why an evergreen blog is necessary in your content strategy to increase your brand’s visibility and conversions.
When talking about an evergreen blog, we’re not just talking about its content. We’ll be discussing a blog created and developed to stand the test of time involving different tactics you should know.
Without further ado, below are reasons why you should consider taking your blog evergreen.
Rank on top of search engines
Writing about trending topics on your blog is a surefire way to generate traffic for the next few days.
However, once the topic dies down, they probably won’t reach the same levels of traffic as before.
While there’s nothing wrong about riding the wave of popularity with certain topics, you need to complement them with posts that won’t go out of style.
This is the reason why evergreen content will always remain a viable content strategy.
From an SEO standpoint, people will keep searching for evergreen topics on search engines regardless of season,
By writing the best possible evergreen content in your niche, you can rank up on the first page of SERPs and get more clicks to your pages.
Generate steady and scalable traffic
Making your blog appear on search results is not a vanity metric. There’s a purpose why blog owners strive to reach the top of SERPs for their target audience.
According to Advanced Web Ranking, the top three pages on Google generate around 50% of overall clicks for every search query.
However, there are factors you need to consider when ranking for Google. Mainly, you need to know how many people are searching for the topic and how difficult it would be to rank on top.
There are tools and methods that will help you unearth these information and make the job easier for you.
As mentioned, there is demand for evergreen topics on your blog. Therefore, it should follow that people keep searching for them on sites like Google.
And while it’s nice to stay on top, you have to implement SEO strategies that ensure that you maintain your rankings.
Track and measure your traffic to find better opportunities
Since your evergreen blog has the capacity to sustain traffic over time, it’s best if you can track your site’s performance and see how your posts are doing.
You can do this by hopping on to your Google Analytics to see the pages that are generating the most traffic.
From here, it is also important to see where the traffic is coming from. Based on what we discussed above, you should see most of your visitors coming from organic search.
Also, if you want to find out what people are searching for to see your posts, Google Search Console will be your best friend.
Using these free tools allow you to gain insights about your evergreen blog and build your next content strategy.
Jason Acidre used both tools to increase his site’s search traffic by 44%.
All he did was to reoptimize his best performing content (which were most likely evergreen content) using long-tail keywords.
It’s a simple tweak that you can finish within hours but yield massive traffic gains that could last for months, if not more!
And you can’t achieve these without developing an evergreen blog from the ground up.
Level up your visitor engagement
If you are using your blog to inform and educate your audience and not sell products, then you need to know how you can further engage them more effectively.
You may be generating thousands of monthly visitors from your evergreen blog. However, they don’t mean anything if they just visit and leave your site without doing anything.
Ultimately, you want to see ROI for the months of hard work writing posts in your evergreen blog.
One way to take your relationships with visitors to another level is by encouraging them to subscribe to your email list.
As the saying goes, the money is in the list. It’s because you can reach out to them via email if you have announcements or finally have something to sell them.
But before getting there, you need to know the best practices of capturing the emails of visitors.
In the case of Buffer, it’s just a matter of adding more opt-in forms on the page to almost double their signups in a month!
As mentioned, your list can serve as a touchpoint for later conversations. Send them emails once you have exclusive content to share with them or you want to lead them down your sales funnel.
More importantly, you get to build a community of engaged readers who will follow your blog through thick and thin!
You can’t really go wrong with an evergreen blog.
It checks all the boxes as far as driving more visibility to your brand is concerned.
Using the best SEO tactics, you can find the most searched keywords for your topic and create content for those.
Then, once you start ranking on SERPs and raking in traffic, you can convert visitors into subscribers if not customers of your business.
Finally, and best of all, you don’t have to keep churning out blog content. You can tweak the existing content on your blog to increase their traffic even more!
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