5 Industries Where the Most Millennials Are Working

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October 12, 2015

Most millennials are working in these industriesPerhaps one of the greatest segments to change the landscape of the workplace are the millennials. Affectionately known as generation Y, these 30-somethings are different from their previous working counterparts in a variety of ways, desiring work-life balance and a passion for their jobs above all else. Millennials are working in industries that fit with the demands of their lives.

Here are five industries where the most millennials are working:

1. Healthcare

According to the study, “Where Do Young Adults Work?” from younginvincibles.org, the healthcare industry has the greatest increase in 18- to 34-year-old workers. One of the reasons for the double digit increase was the fact that baby boomers previously employed in this sector began retiring. Add to this the increase in the number of retirees who needed healthcare services, which resulted in an increase in jobs—and salaries. This benefits 46 percent of millennials who want to have a professional impact on the world, according to a FlexJobs survey.

2. Manufacturing

Although the healthcare industry boasts the greatest spike in jobs, it’s the manufacturing industry that is shelling out big bucks to its workers. Southern states have benefitted the most from manufacturing jobs, where low tax rates and a boom in new factories have increased the number of jobs available. But many manufacturing gigs require certain certifications and skills, which can be acquired from technical schools. This is in tune with 54 percent of millennials who want a flexible work schedule, which would allow them to go back to school to pursue a higher education.

3. Retail and Wholesale

Retail jobs are an oft-chosen career for millennials. Available in almost every industry, retail and wholesale jobs can include customer service, marketing, and sales and admin work. These types of jobs often have flex built into them in the form of full-time telecommuting, part-time work, or freelance positions, which aligns with 84 percent of millennials who claim to want more work-life balance.

4. Leisure and Hospitality

Onboard wedding coordinator. Local tour editor. Swim instructor. The world of leisure and hospitality jobs is plentiful—and fun! It makes sense since half of millennials surveyed (50 percent) work because they are passionate about their career. While skills and certifications are not often as necessary as in other industries, having a passion for what you do—and helping others as they participate in it—is definitely a requirement to work in this field, which boasts many flexible work options.

5. Professional and Business

If business is in your blood, then finding a flexible job in the professional and business category is a smart career move. Ideal for “older” millennials, you might find work as an account executive, business manager, or even a strategic consultant. And if you’re looking for a location-specific job (or even a flexible job that requires you to live and work in a certain state), California and Colorado are two of the top states for professional and business jobs. Many millennials job hunting in this category have young families, which explains why 67 percent of those who responded to the survey claimed that family was their motivating factor to look for flexible work.

Millennials are helping to revitalize the workforce with their desire for work-life balance and meaningful work. So whether you’re a millennial or not, look for work that fits in with the demands of your life and makes you happy, all while earning a solid paycheck, too.

Readers, in which industries have you found that the most millennials are working? Do you think those industries are a good fit for millennials? Tell us in the comments below!

photo credit: istockphoto.com

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