As a Blogger, you want to be on the right social media networks for your specific niche, right? I get that.
So if Pinterest is not yet on your cards or if you’re unsure if it can work for you, then keep reading because I’m about to tell you 5 reasons why any blogger on any niche should use this social network:
1. Pinterest Can Drive Massive Traffic to Your Blog
Did you know that Pinterest is not just a social network, it’s a search engine in itself rivalling with Google.
People go on Pinterest to search and find anything, from recipes to home decor ideas, fitness or travelling tips, etc.
That’s why it can be a HUGE source of traffic to your blog.
At the moment, Pinterest is the main source of traffic to the Let’s Talk Social blog, driving around 6000 visitors per month:
Of course you need to have high quality content and pin high quality images/pins that are linked to your blog, amongst other tactics.
2. A Pin That Goes on Pinterest Stays on Pinterest
You know how annoying it is to publish something on Facebook or Twitter that has a lifetime of a couple of hours? I do!
With Pinterest, it’s a different story. When you pin into Pinterest, it will stay there for weeks and months, continuing to be shared and clicked through and driving traffic back to your blog! And for free!
And if your pin becomes really popular, that single pin can become one of the main sources of traffic to your blog, like the post “The Best Times to Publish on Social Media” from the Let’s Talk Social blog:
3. Joining Group Boards
Pinterest is a lot about collaboration which in my opinion, is the basis of blogging.
And this is where the group boards are amazing. Group boards are boards around a specific topic that are open to several people to share their pins.
Some boards have hundreds of followers and are hugely popular, so if you pin into these boards you’ll get a whole MORE exposure and reach for your pins.
And again, your pin will stay there and won’t go away.
4. Connect with Influencers
Being successful in blogging has a lot to do with work, dedication and patience. But it also has a lot to do with networking.
Having an influencer in your niche with thousands of followers sharing your pins will get you more reach and exposure than any paid ads will do. And more click throughs to.
So, find those influencers on Pinterest, follow them, share their pins, invite them to have a look at a high quality piece of content you have.
Creating real relationships on Pinterest can open you many doors!
5. Great to Find Content and Get Inspired
And, last but not least, Pinterest is a great place to find inspiration and new ideas.
So, if you happen to be stuck not knowing what to write about, you can go on Pinterest and do a search related to your blog niche.
Pinterest will show you the most popular results first and you’ll find hundreds of different ideas for writing new articles and also ideas for blog post titles and images to create.
You can for example, take a very successful blog post on Pinterest and write your own version of the same post, giving your opinion or new tips.
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