Once upon a time YouTube held the fort as the go-to video platform on the web, overflowing with cat videos. Nowadays, not only are Instagram, Twitter and Facebook all perfectly viable destinations for video content, but brands of all sizes are producing great quality videos that engage audiences all over the world.
Nearly 50% of mobile traffic is video, and the Content Marketing Association have revealed that by just using the word ‘video’ in an email subject line open rates increase by 19%. It seems like a no-brainer that all brands should be using video, but if you still need convincing, read on.
1) Increase sales
Product videos can do wonders to conversion rates. Whether you’re selling a service or a manufactured product, videos act as a window into your world and allow potential customers to explore your product before they buy. Using a product video is your chance to really show off your business and challenge potential customers to find a reason they shouldn’t buy it.
2) Video engages more senses
Although frequently referred to as a visual medium, video is much more of a sensory experience than text. When beautiful images combine with effective sound design or emotional music, a video has the potential to engage with audiences much more than a block of text does with readers.
3) Video conveys information quicker
Some people are slow readers. That’s a given. When faced with the option of reading through a block of text or watching an explainer video that breaks things down in a straightforward, visually exciting manner, plenty of people will choose the video.
4) Video conveys brand perception well
Video is a great way to increase brand awareness about who you are and what your tone of voice is. Brand positioning, sentiment and statements can be achieved quickly with well-considered bespoke video (the Old Spice adverts are a perfect example of this). Also, by publishing to online platforms such as Vine, Instagram Video and Facebook as well as YouTube, you have access to enormous and diverse audiences. Imagine having access to a football stadium full of people, but instead of just shouting at them you can clearly convey the message of your brand within seconds.
5) Video is great for SEO
There has been plenty of discussion on whether video is good for SEO, and the answer is a resounding yes. Search engines are placing increasing importance on videos and improving the chance your company overview on YouTube will rank highly, and the thumbnail that accompanies that is a good opportunity to catch your audience’s eye with a well-crafted, composed image that sells your video. Additionally, if your video is good quality content that engages audiences it is bound to attract plenty of inbound links. The core of video marketing is much the same as any content marketing – high quality content encourages shares, views, increases brand awareness, and ultimately sales.
So there you have it. A whistle-stop tour of the main reasons all brands need to be using video. Plenty already are, but if you’re not, now’s the perfect time.
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