5 Reasons You Should Still Be Doing Email Marketing

November 1, 2015

close up of hands typing on laptop computer blogging

Think that email marketing has fallen out of favor, or become old-hat when compared to modern advances like social media and SnapChat?

Think again.

Many marketers still count email among the very best, must lucrative marketing channels in existence. We’d tend to agree. Not only do we send regular email blasts on behalf of our own brand, but we strongly recommend it to all of our clients.

If you’re skeptical of email’s potential impact, we invite you to consider a few counterarguments. Hopefully, these will convince you that email is still a platform your marketing team should be implementing!

Why Email Still Makes Sense

  1. It’s simply the easiest way to reach consumers on their phones. We don’t have to tell you that we all live in an increasingly mobile world, and you probably won’t be surprised to know that, statistically, most people check email from their mobile phones at least once daily. By contrast, SMS tends to be unwelcomed by most consumers, and in some cases actually costs recipients money. Not a good way to make a positive impression.
  2. You can send customers mobile offers. With email, you can easily send your customers coupons or discount codes—offers they can store on their phones and pull out when they come into your store or meet with your sales representative.
  3. Email is an invaluable content delivery vehicle. Want to get more traction on company blog posts? More downloads on your latest white paper? Email the link. Let people who may not follow your company website know that there’s some fresh content waiting their review.
  4. Email doesn’t cost much money. Even if you pay for a premium email distribution service and hire a company like Grammar Chic to do the content writing, you’re still looking at a few bucks per month—a pretty small investment, in the scheme of things, with the potential for significant value.
  5. Email is actually a lot more effective than social media. Bottom line: If you’re looking to do just one thing to increase conversions, this is the one thing you need to do.

Invest some time in email marketing—and be strategic about it.

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