5 Types Of Facebook Posts You Should Always Boost

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August 7, 2015

One of the best ways to generate increased engagement for your company Facebook page is to boost posts. If you don’t know how this tool works, the Grammar Chic blog has a step-by-step guide. Boosting posts is something small business owners all need to do from time to time—Facebook requires you to “pay to play,” these days—but it’s important to choose your boosted posts wisely.

You don’t want to boost everything; for one thing, the cost of doing so will stack up quickly! Instead, be judicious about boosting the posts that you most want your followers to see, or the ones that stand the best chance of generating a real-world response.

Five examples of some posts you should seriously think about boosting include:

Event pages. Are you having an open house? A special seminar or workshop at your place of business? A charity auction? Make sure that your customers and would-be customers know all about it by promoting your event pages.

Company news. Have some big happenings to share—like a new product, a new office, or some other milestone in the life of your business? Get plenty of eyes on your announcement by making a boosted post out of it.

Discounts and sales. You probably don’t want to boost every single sale or discount you ever offer, but if you’ve got a really killer offer to make—one designed to bring new customers into the fold—then boosting can make sense.

Great press. Was there a glowing write-up of your company in the local paper, or in a widely-read blog? Share it—and boost the hell out of it!

Unusually popular posts. If you average four or five likes on any given company post, but then suddenly you post something that gets a dozen likes and four shares in the first hour…well, something about that post is obviously resonating with people. You can and should spend some time figuring out why such a post is so popular, but in the meantime, give it a boost. Milk it for all it’s worth!

Boost regularly, and boost generously—but also boost strategically.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community


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