5 Ways Bloggers Can Leverage Their Newsletters

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by Sally McGraw May 11, 2016
May 11, 2016

Bloggers love writing Mad Mimi newsletters over coffee!



When I first launched my newsletter, a couple blog readers asked why I felt the need to add yet another task to my plate. At the time, I was posting twice per day, active on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest, writing for a half dozen publications, and syndicating my content through several channels. So the question was a valid one. But I knew that building a list and cranking out an engaging and valuable newsletter could only benefit me, especially since some of my followers are older gals who’d rather get highlights in their inboxes than wade through pages of blog content. On top of that, I recognized an email newsletter as a great tool for accomplishing some simple tasks that could help keep my blog healthy and thriving. Curious? Allow me to share five easy ways that all bloggers can leverage their newsletters.

Revive Old Content

My blog will be nine years old in September — whew! — which means that I have thousands and thousands of posts languishing in my archive. And while a few intrepid souls tell me they’ve read everything from start to finish, anyone who has started reading relatively recently is likely to have missed out on some older gems. Newsletters provide a simple, natural way to get older content back in front of readers, especially anyone unfamiliar with your archive. Draw them in with a little plug toward the end of each newsletter that says something like, “Here are a few oldies but goodies you might’ve missed!” And you might even generate additional page views when readers realize how deep and engrossing your archived posts are!

Push Out Affiliate Links

If you’re working with any affiliate programs on your blog, you likely know that those magic links can be floated via Facebook and Twitter to generate additional clicks and, therefore, income. But don’t forget to fold a few into your newsletter, too. If possible, focus on programs with long cookie life since readers are likely to delete the email itself once they’ve read through it.

Ask for Feedback

If you’re a blogger, you’ve likely heard the sage advice “Don’t read the comments.” Hopefully that bit of hate-avoidance counsel doesn’t apply to your own blog or your own readers. But even if the majority are good-natured folks, in all likelihood, your comment section has gradually become a hodgepodge of genuine interest, self-serving link-planting, SPAM, and snark. But the folks who’ve signed up for your emails? They’re more invested, and therefore more likely to take a real interest in the state of your blog.

Promote Products or Services

In this day and age, most bloggers are multi-taskers, juggling the actual blog and associated social media alongside vendor collaborations, part-time jobs, blog-associated services, writing projects, media appearances and more. Again, your subscribers are your superfans, so any services or products you offer should be pushed hard. I mean, not obnoxiously or aggressively … but frequently. This group is the one most likely to be interested in supporting your non-blog endeavors, so make sure you crow about them in your newsletter.

Plug Guest Posts

Since commenting ain’t what it used to be, building goodwill and community amongst the bloggers in your niche has become more challenging. Guest posts are always a great way to create connections — whether you’re writing them for other blogs or hosting them on your own. But the bald fact is that die-hard fans often skip guest posts. So use your newsletter to highlight them and encourage your readers to check them out. You can push out guest posts you’ve solicited from other bloggers, or highlight guest posts you’ve submitted elsewhere. Goodwill, fostered!

Honestly, the main reason I continue my newsletter is to make sure my slightly less tech-savvy readers remember that I exist, and to give my most avid followers a little peek backstage. But I’ve definitely implemented all five of these tactics, and to great effect. If you’re a blogger with a newsletter, I guarantee they’ll help you, too.

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