5 Ways to Make Your Good WordPress Blogs Great

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May 21, 2016
Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay

WordPress is undoubtedly the most popular Content Management System (CMS) being used by online entrepreneurs, digital marketers, and bloggers. It is easy to use, flexible, and robust – perfect for those with big ideas when it comes to website building. However, it is easy to end up with a generic blog, especially without the diligence to learn and put in tremendous effort when building your site.

If you mainly use WordPress for your website creation endeavors, make sure you do not forget the following fundamental steps:

1. Choose the Best Theme Possible

One of WP’s greatest strengths is the vast library of themes that can make site building easy. Within a few minutes, you can have a beautiful and professional looking site without ever writing a single line of code. This is why entrepreneurs and other individuals without coding experience love it.

To get started, here is a list of free WordPress themes you can try. Remember to pick one that suits the nature of your blog. The general rule is to focus on speed, simplicity, and readability. cannot adequately match your needs, then you should consider getting them from third-party sources.


2. Choose the Best Plugins

From the user’s perspective, it is all about the experience and value you receive. With WP, you can provide this by utilizing plugins that allow you to add bits of functionality – from contact forms to interactive image sliders. Most plugins are also free or offer free versions, which is why site building with WP can be fun. You can mix and match plugins at will to find plugins that can supercharge your blog.

However, it is important only to consider essential plugins that make sense for your blog. Loading up on too many plugins can hurt the performance of your site, so it is best to identify what you need to achieve. From there, start looking for lightweight plugins that can do the job well. For the barebones of a great blog, here is a list of WP plugins to choose from.


3. Marketing Automation Tools

Marketing your blog is one of the toughest challenges that WP users face. It can also be the most infuriating, especially if your marketing channels are all over the place with no sense of direction. This is why automation is such a great strategy. It simplifies and streamlines all critical marketing processes so you only need to use one platform.

Some of the widely used platforms that digital marketers use are Spokal and Hubspot. Although Hubspot is significantly more expensive, it offers additional features for established businesses such as SMS marketing, landing segmentation, invoices, event management, and so on.


4. Sell Your Stuff of Services

Another advantage of using WordPress is that you can easily turn it into an online store. Not only does it offer an opportunity for monetization, but it can also improve the value that your visitors get. It is also beneficial for establishing your authority in your particular industry.

The key here is to develop a highly valuable product that your audience will surely appreciate. This could be an infomercial, a service, or a tangible product. You can refer to the tools in this post to figure out what approach can fit your business.


5. Fill in the Holes of Your Blog

No matter how careful you plan, there is no way to achieve a perfect blog. In fact, you’ll probably have many mistakes or areas on your site that need improvement. As the owner, it is your responsibility to ensure performance by continually assessing your WP blog.

You can do this by using analytics and other WordPress tools that can be utilized for optimization. These tools can range from customer analysis to heat map tools that can help you learn how your audience interacts with your site. This can make it easier for you to identify what needs to be improved, kept, and eliminated in your blog.



With WordPress, getting a site up and running is easy, but building a great site is a different story. You should be prepared to learn new things, adopt new strategies, and apply them to continually improve your WordPress blog. Following the fundamentals highlighted in this article will get you right on track. Remember to be open to more challenges as they are crucial for refining your blog.

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