In movies you would have seen many extra characters and a handful of main characters. In the blogging world there are a few top bloggers and the rest of us are like extras in the movies. We need to do something different to be heard and stand out!
There are 6.7 million bloggers in the blogosphere using a blogging platform like WordPress, Blogger etc. There are 12 million more bloggers who use social media networks to blog. How do you stand out in this crowded world? How do you get noticed?
You need some expert blogging tips. The problem with rounding up expert blogging tips is that they are spread all over the web and you would have to dust off some cob webs on the modern net.
Even if the best tips can all be found in one place they will take a while to read, understand and implement.
What if these blogging tips are presented in an elegant infographic that is easy on the eye and the mind? Great, that is exactly what you get from 50 blogging tips infographic.
These blogging tips are from expert bloggers like Pat Flynn, Geoff Goins, Amit Shaw, Ana Hoffman and Corbett Barr. Use the expert’s tips wisely and take your blogging to the next level. Enjoy the tips and take action.
Infographic credit:
All good things will come to an end and the only way to make good tips last is by taking action. If you are a relatively new blogger or setting up a new start-up site then don’t get overwhelmed or put off by this massive list. Take one tip at a time; make changes to your blog slow and steady. Make a check-list of things to improve in your blog. Remember to take the speed of your website in to consideration when adding any new functionality. Go forth and take your blogging to the next level.
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