The end of the year means holiday after holiday, and an opportunity for your brand to give your fans a little surprise and delight while creating more reach and visibility for yourself. You still have time to set up a holiday social media campaign!
Here are 6 social media holiday campaigns you can steal here are a few last minute holiday social media campaigns you can steal.
1. Run a Customer Appreciation Campaign
The holidays put everyone in a giving mood. Show your customers appreciation by setting up a big giveaway or a set of smaller gifts over a period of time. Reward your advocates, the people who are sharing your content the most. You can create a specific post (or posts) for people to share and pick a winner from those who share correctly. You can support the campaign via email, on your website and if possible offline.
2. Create Social Media Only Holiday Discounts
To make your social media audience feel a little more special this time of year, go ahead and offer social media exclusive offers. This could be a discount, free shipping etc.
3. Create a Holiday Download
Create a brand related holiday download. One great example is how Hubspot created a pack of 250 holiday images their readers could download and use on their own social media channels. This was a great way to add value to their reader’s lives, solidify their position as a marketing resource and collect emails of course.
4. Advent Calendar
A fun and simple campaign you can run is a social media advent calendar. Each day you can reveal an exclusive piece of content to your fans. This can be anything from discounts, to flash sales, or work with influencers to provide never before seen photos or videos.
5. Holiday Round Ups
Round ups can create a lot of traffic, and is a content format is easy to digest. Gather your most popular posts of the year, or compile a list of the best gifts to fit your target customer.Think of how you can be informative or helpful. You can even create infographics of holiday facts that relate to your business.
6. Holiday Photo Contest
Remember Starbucks red cup campaign? If you have a signature product run a photo contest where customers can get creative. This is a pretty simple promo to set up, and you’ll get more brand visibility from it with people sharing content about your brand.
BONUS: Another great way to create a holiday social media campaign AND give back is to get behind a cause or charity that matters to your brand and audience.
Holiday campaigns don’t have to be overly complicated or complex, and can deliver great benefits to your brand or business. Do some research and find your customer’s pain points, what they like, and use it to your advantage. Here are a few things to keep in mind extra holiday post visibility:
- Pin posts to the top of your profile on the networks that allow it (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn Company pages)
- Change profile and header images to reflect your holiday spirit or campaign.
- Create campaign specific hashtags you can track. This will help you gauge the performance of your campaign
- Use social ads to increase your reach
- Don’t forget to include easy ways your participants can share your campaign or promo on your website or landing pages
- Track your campaign results so you can improve future campaigns.
I hope these ideas can spark your holiday social media campaign creativity!
This article was originally published here.
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