— June 29, 2017

LoboStudioHamburg / Pixabay
A lot of the blogs that I write are about very specific areas of digital marketing which is (extremely!) useful if that particular issue is on your radar. But sometimes the question that you have on your mind is a bit broader – how can I be better at something? With this in mind, this week’s blog is about how to be better at social media, no more specific than that!
Know the nuances: Increasingly, each social network has its own characteristics. People’s mind-set changes depending on the network that they are checking in on: you probably wouldn’t share that snap on your LinkedIn network. The differences however can be more subtle than that. Spend time looking at how other organisations similar to yours treat the network and what success they are having.
Quality not quantity: The number of social media posts made per day is staggering (500m posts per day on Twitter alone). This can be interpreted in one of two days: we need to increase our number of posts per day to increase our share of voice; we need to focus on more quality content to rise about the noise. Which one do you want to choose?
Automate where you can: If you think that marketing automation is cheating or anti-social media, you haven’t been following it recently. When well implemented, markweting automation will allow you to spend some time off the treadmill of social media management and on the helicopter view of social media strategy.
Listen more: It is called social for a reason. I think that 99% of social media accounts would be better if they just did this one thing better. Look down your social media feed, check out the use of keywords by people who you are not connected with and get a feel for what is happening. And of course, contribute where you can add some value.
Have an objective: This is a really basic one, but you would be surprised how many people don’t have one on social media. If you don’t have one, how can you get a view on whether your activity is a success or whether you are missing the mark by a mile?
Regularly measure and learn: Social media metrics are a great way of finding out what content engages your audience and what doesn’t. You should regularly track your key metrics (engagement, impressions, frequency, etc.) to see what trajectory your social media is heading in.
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