Oh, unsexy businesses, what would we do without you? You take on the not-so-nice details of your job with ease and you make the world a better place. If you aren’t tooting your horn yet by way of a blog, you should be. They are an easy way to create or add to your website and regular posting means more customers and a higher ranking in searches.
If your company already has a blog, that’s great news. We know that you have seen the benefits of engaging with your customers regularly through what you write. You also have probably gotten new clients and met new friends. We know it’s easy to get stuck for a topic whether you have been writing regularly or not. In this article, we will give you seven new topics to get those creative juices flowing.
- Most Frequently Asked—You and your employees get hundreds of questions every day about your line of work. Compile the ones that pop up most frequently and answer them through the blog. Answering on the blog serves a dual purpose as it establishes your authority in the industry AND it gives you and your employees the opportunity to research the subject so that your answer is more complete.
- Problem-Solving—If you’re a plumber or an electrician, you might consider writing about quick solutions to problems. For example, clogged toilets happen all the time. Write about how to stop the flow of water, the best method of cleaning up, and preventative measures. Believe me, that the dad of a two-year old who has just dumped their entire box of crayons in the toilet will thank you. Especially if it’s Sunday.
- Your Local Area—You know the area better than anyone from your business’s perspective. Perhaps there is a common issue like hard water or a certain kind of pest. Use your blog to discuss recurring issues for where you live and work. This is also a great way to connect with people moving to your area. They will be doing research about their new home and your blog can guide them.
- Industry News—New technology and products are developed every day. Use your blog to share the latest and greatest from your industry and how you will use it to set your company apart.
- Saving Money—Share with your readers how to accomplish small tasks around the home or office, like changing a showerhead or installing a new light. Giving your readers tips and advice on how to handle smaller tasks and save money, means that they are more likely to turn to your company for the larger ones.
- Your Story—Your blog is a way to connect more intimately with your audience. Don’t be afraid to share your personal stories. Perhaps write about what inspired you to start in this line of work or a funny anecdote from your family or customers.
- Trending News—You can also write about news outside of your industry, if you think it might pique your customer’s interest. Talk about major news stories or check to see what’s trending on Twitter and Facebook.
Your company’s blog is your face to the world, so be careful about posting anything that your customers might find offensive. Your company’s blog is not the place to rant about politics. Also your writing needs to be grammatically correct with no spelling errors. Consider adding video, photographs, and bullet points to break up all of the text.
What blogging tips did we miss? Let us know in the comments.
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