7 Easy Steps To Optimize Your Website For SEO

7 Easy Steps To Optimize Your Website For SEO image ADFSD 300x143

December 18, 2014

Let’s Optimize Your Website For SEO Today

Do you commonly use super-long URL extensions for your content, like “http://www.mysite.com/my-extremely-long-web-page-title-about-whatever?” How’s that working out for you? My guess would be not very well, at least from an SEO stand point. This mistake, and several others, are easy to fix and can improve your web site’s SEO-friendliness by a huge margin. It is also important to understand the difference between old SEO Versus new SEO strategies. Read on for some tips on how you can optimize your website for SEO and start ranking higher on Google and other major search engines.

1. Avoid Long URL Extensions

According to Matt Cutts of Google, the first three to five words in a URL are given more weight than anything else. What does this mean? It means you should use abbreviated URLs that include the key phrase!

2. Optimize Those Titles!

If you aren’t wrapping your title in an H1 tag, you’re doing it all wrong. You also need to remember to keep your title at less than 55 characters, because Google will only display the first 50-60 characters of the title. Finally, you should make sure your target keyword is mentioned in the title.

3. Link To Authority Websites

Your outbound links are a huge signal as to how relevant your pages are. Google uses these outbound links to figure out what your page is really about, and it shows Google that your page is somewhere people can go to find high quality information. Be sure to sprinkle a few links to authorities on your topic, and you’ll see your SEO rankings soar.

4. Use Images, Pictures, Videos, Etc.

Using visual media, like images, pictures, videos, infographics, and so forth helps boost the user-interaction signals that Google is paying more and more attention to. Also, since users tend to take the time to look at the graphics and videos on a page, visual media will also reduce your bounce rate and increase your time on site.

5. Use Keywords Wisely

According to Mozilla, your keyword should appear within the first 100-150 words of the article. You should also use different related keywords, because Google uses a technology called LSI (which works like a thesaurus), and they look at the meanings of different keywords on a page to determine how relevant that page is.

6. Optimize Your Page for Social Media

Do you have social sharing buttons on your site, so your visitors can share the link to your site on their Facebook timeline or Twitter feed? If not, you are missing out on a potential treasure chest of inbound links. Adding the social sharing buttons is quick and easy, and can indirectly improve your chance of getting more inbound links to your page.

7. Be Responsive (and I don’t mean answering the phone!)

When your web page is responsive, that means it adjusts in size based on the type of device your visitors are using. When a site is not responsive, you see high bounce rates on non-desktop devices. You should incorporate a responsive design to ensure people on different devices can properly interact with your site.

These tips will help you SEO optimize your page and optimize your website for seo. Pay careful attention to what you’re currently doing, and what these tips say you should be doing. You can get a perfectly-optimized SEO site, you just have to think about what the search engines and visitors want to see on your page. Lastly, please take a look at the best seo plugins available for WordPress.

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