If you use Facebook for advertising your business, you probably have already seen just how many different ways you can market to potential customers. Even the smallest change you make, like switching out an image or changing the tone can make a big difference in the outcome of the advertisement.
Another way to make a significant impact with your advertising is by changing the way you target your ad. You might have played with this previously by selecting people in your area or selecting people within a certain age bracket. However there are many ways to customize Facebook targeting so that you get the most bang for your buck. Let’s take a look at 7 different ways to make your ad work harder for you.
Financial Resources—Did you know that it was possible to target people based on their financial resources? Under Demographics, you can target people based on their Net Worth or their Income. Facebook uses things like age, occupation, presence of children, and property data among other factors to determine this method of targeting.
- Age and Gender—Another great option is to not only target local customers, but also focus on age and gender. For example, your business is located in Astoria, Oregon, so you limit your targeting in that area. You can then target females between the ages of 20 and 30 in Astoria. You can also target by zip code in the US.
- Industry—You can target people by their line of work by choosing an industry or an occupation. You can also target by Office Type (Home Office, Small Office, Small Business) in this same category.
- In the Market For—If you are selling a certain product, you can target your advertising to people who are searching for what you are selling. For example, if you sell home theater equipment, you can target your ad to those wanting to purchase it for themselves. You can find this option in the Behavior section of ad set settings.
- Parents and Kids—Facebook offers you the chance to target to parents based on the ages of their children. In addition, they also have a section for the different lifestyles of moms, like Corporate Moms, Green Moms, Moms of High School Kids.
- Generations—You know that you wouldn’t market to Baby Boomers the same way you would market to Millennials. Thankfully, Facebook has set up a way to target each generation for your business.
- Ethnic Affinities—If your business would like to market to the Hispanic community, you can do that on Facebook. You can also target people whose Facebook aligns with another ethnic affinity like Asian or African-American. This type of targeting is only available in the US currently.
There a ton of other ways to target your advertising including people who just started a new job, moved away from home, or are in a long distance relationship. You can also filter by political views or find people who shop or play games frequently. Take some time to find out which settings work best for your business’s advertising needs.
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