7 Ways To Increase Your Sales And Make More Money Online

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Making money online is not rocket science. If you follow time tested sales principles and techniques and you will make all the money you want.

In this article, I want to reveal the secret techniques that will increase your sales almost over-night.

The following are the 7 ways to increase your sales and make more money online.

1. Use powerful Headlines: Have you ever been to a website only to find it difficult to determine what the website is all about? It has happened to me many times.

The attention span of a website visitor is very short, so you need to capture that attention within seconds. Using a powerful headline will help to achieve this.

2. Pack Your Website With Benefits. When a visitor comes to your website, he wants to know what he is going to gain or enjoy for coming. He doesn’t want to know how long it took you to build  the website or how much it costs you.

You have to stress the benefits of your offers and not the features.

3. Follow Up Your Visitors: Research has shown the websites they visit. Less than 3% actually buy the first time they visit a website.

So, what happens to the other 97%? Does that mean you have lost them forever? You need to find way to keep contacting and reminding them about your offers. The best way to do this is to ask them for their names and email addresses. Keep their details in a file and regularly contact and remind them about your offers.

An autoresponder will help you manage the database of names and email addresses efficiently. You will be able to broadcast a message to everyone on your list at a click of a button. Go to getresponder.com

4. Offer A Money-Back Guarantee: this works all the time as no one likes to get stuck with a product he doesn’t like. If you offer a money back guarantee, your customers will be confident buying from you.

5. Add Bonuses: Never sell your products without enticing your customers. Always give them something extra so they will feel they have landed a big bargain. The product you are selling will depend on the kind of bonus you’re going to give. This technique will make them come back to buy from you later.

6. Offer  A Back-End Product: Always offer your customers additional products and services related to your initial product. People that have bought from you will feel more comfortable buying from you again than buying from competitor. It is after they buy the first product that you should offer other products. Do this on the “Thank You” page.

7. Do All The Above And More: It’s important to continue all the 6 ways above. Don’t just pick one of them to use. Use all of them. That is the only way to achieve a significant change in our sales to make more money online.



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