8 Advanced Trends In Social And Digital Marketing (Infographic)

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January 28, 2015

8 Advanced Trends In Social & Digital Marketing HEADERConsider yourself something of an expert in digital marketing? Think you already know SMM trends a year out?

Then I’ve got a challenge for you.

Take a look at Signal’s new infographic, “The 8 Biggest Digital Marketing Trends in 2015,” to see a list of advanced digital marketing trends that may surprise you. I’ve shared the entire infographic at the bottom of this post. Below are the standout insights that every expert or would-be expert should know for 2015…

Essential Knowledge: Digital Marketing Trends In 2015

#1 Cross-channel marketing is about to take off. 2015 is the year for cross-channel. Consumers have been gradually brought into interactive cross-channel experiences over the last few years. And when they work, they work. The technology is now here for smaller brands to start exploring cross-channel in effective ways. Want to get a taste for what cross-channel is all about? Though I haven’t yet read it, I’d recommend Oracle’s ebook, Modern Marketing Essentials Guide to Cross-Channel Marketing.

#2 First-party data is going to become a huge driving force for advertisers. “First-party data is information collected directly and stored by website publishers, retailers and other types of companies about their site visitors or customers,” according to AdAge. Most marketers use the advanced ad-targeting tools made available through Facebook. Quite a few more are using AdWords for keyword targeting. But few marketers are tying all of that first-party data together to get a big picture view. There are plenty of resources for collecting and organizing first-party data. Get started in 2015!

#3 Programmatic advertising is here to stay,” writes Keith Lorizio. Programmatic advertising allows advertisers to automate processes that used to suck up lots of valuable time. Now, instead of draining time into buying advertisements in the best spaces at the best prices, advertisers can automate the processes and allocate more resources to creating fresh and innovative campaigns. To learn more, take a look at The CMO’s Guide to Programmatic Buying (via AdAge) or An Introduction To Programmatic Buying (via ReTargeter).

#4 Beacons and payments are redefining the mobile landscape. Beacon technology – which uses ultra-precise positioning data to deliver context-appropriate messages – is the next big step for retailers. However, the technology is a little short of being fully open and accessible on the large scale. In 2015, we could see a re-envisioning of beacon technology. Want a brief overview of what beacon technology is, and what’s holding it back from hitting the mainstream? Check out this Techcrunch article.

What Digital Marketing / SMM Trends Do You Predict?
These are just half of the digital marketing trends covered in Signal’s infographic. Take a look at the full piece below, and jump in with your comments!

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