8 Interesting Facts About Mobile SEO (Infographic)

April 28, 2015

Everywhere you go and in almost every place in the globe, you could see people hunched over a smartphone or a gadget. The world has really gone mobile. Who can blame them? With a smartphone that has the capability of a personal computer, almost every transaction can now be done online and on the go.

This chart from Search Engine Watch is a clear indication of how the world has truly gone mobile, with smartphones and tablets going head-to-head with laptops and desktops as the primary media channel for getting all types of information. Print, television and other traditional media channels have given way to the power of online and mobile channels.

These trends signal business owners and digital marketers to focus their efforts away from traditional channels and go for mobile marketing. Search Engine Optimization, a stalwart in digital marketing, is breaking new boundaries by integrating mobile channels into the mix.

Having a mobile-friendly site is just the tip of the iceberg. Digital marketers can learn more about Mobile Marketing through this series of facts and figures that can help you jumpstart your Mobile SEO initiatives.

1. Search Goes Mobile – Mobile devices are slowly but surely becoming the primary search tool of choice, with as much as 50% of search users begin their search with a mobile device, with numbers going up to 88% if the search is for a local business or establishment. What they came up was the introduction of the Mobile-Friendly label that appears in search results listings. Google has hinted on rewarding mobile-friendly sites with better ranking.

2. Mobile Traffic Will Overtake Them All –  ComScore predicted that mobile will overtake desktop in online traffic by the year 2014. That prediction was made in 2012 and on July of 2014, Search Engine Watch reported that prediction coming true with mobile usage overtaking desktop.

3. Mobile SEO and Local Intent – When mobile users intend to make an in-store purchase, 50% search for a local business using their mobile devices according to new research from Google.

4. SEO and the Mobile-Only User – Current recent data from comScore indicates that up to 174 million consumers in the United States own a smartphone. That’s 72% of the total population, while another 38%, or roughly 93 million people, own Internet-connected tablets.

5. Purchasing Behavior and Mobile SEO – comScore highlighted that as high as 66% of the time spent on online retailing is done through smartphones or tablets, prompting digital marketers and business owners to take this into consideration when they roll out their Mobile SEO strategy.

6. Mobile SEO and the User Experience – Mobile SEO has gained good ground in 2014 and is expected to perform more in 2015 and beyond. Key to Mobile SEO success is how to provide targeted audiences with a superb mobile experience as they browse through your websites on their smartphones and tablets.

7. Responsive Website Design and Mobile SEO –  An important part of providing a great user experience for mobile web visitors is to setup your site to a responsive design. This configuration is considered an industry best practice by Google, and when this Internet pillar speaks, everyone should listen.

8. Conversational Search and Mobile SEO  – The advent of “smarter” smartphones gave birth to conversational search technologies like Apple’s Siri and Google’s Voice Search. Use of conversational search is more likely to grow in parallel with the phenomenal growth of smartphone sales. Google highlighted that as much as 41% of adults and 55% of teens in America use conversational voice search.

Want more? See below!8-Interesting-Facts-about-Mobile-SEO

Embedded from Digital Marketing Philippines.

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