Happy New Year! Now that the holidays are over, and we’re back to the old grindstone, it’s time to see what 2016 has in store for us. We’re dusting off our “crystal ball apps” and sharing a few marketing predictions.
Some predictions may look familiar as they carry over from 2015, while others may surprise you (e.g. Snapchat as a standard marketing platform). Here are eight digital marketing predictions to look forward to in 2016.
1. Snapchat: a New Marketing Platform
Snapchat is more than just a Millennial’s selfie playground. Experts are predicting Snapchat will become a standard marketing platform in 2016. As consumers crave more real-time integrated marketing, Snapchat will fulfill that need.
Already brands like ESPN, Comedy Central, and P&G are using Snapchat to reach Millennial consumers through geotargeting. Recently P&G geotargeted ads for a CoverGirl Campaign near Ulta cosmetic stores. Although Snapchat doesn’t provide a way to trace ads to sales, it does provide invaluable data including number of views, number of times people used the branded filter, and how often people swiped to see the branded filter.
2. Videos Dominate Search
Now that Google is incorporating video ads into its search, one can assume it’s a sign that users are getting used to video ads online. Consequently, experts are predicting we’re going to be seeing video ads, particularly in mobile, popping up more and more throughout 2016.
High-impact ads deliver the highest engagement and brand; and they’re not impacted by screen size. Look for marketers to focus on mobile video ads to capture that lucrative mobile device user.
3. Content Gets an Overhaul
Original content will move more into storytelling in the coming year. To stay relevant, brands will need to produce long-form content to best position their rank. Online marketers will stop spreading themselves too thin, and instead focus their efforts to deliver content to specific channels. This will also avoid market saturation.
As white papers evolve, look for more interactive content. Marketers will incorporate questions, quizzes, and videos into their white paper to further engage readers.
4. SEO Shifts Focus to Social Media Platforms
In the coming year, SEO will focus more on social media platforms. Why? One word: Facebook.
Facebook is testing ways to become a publishing platform, specifically with “Instant Articles” — a way to allow third-party content to appear. Users will no longer have to click a link out to view an entire article. Game changer.
Social media shares will also continue to impact organic search visibility, especially as election season kicks into high gear. For example, websites that support Bernie Sanders are gaining organic search visibility, mostly due to their large number of social shares.
5. Buy Buttons Take Over Social
In 2015, Pinterest launched buy buttons; and expect others to follow suit in 2016. Buy buttons will continue to be a hot commodity as social media emerges as a multitasking medium. Expect to be able to buy direct from Facebook and Instagram, too.
Online payment methods will continue to grow more efficient and convenient. Apple Pay and other mobile payment services offer shoppers the option to store their payment and shipping info for quick purchases.
6. Ad Blocking Will Level Off
This past year ad blocking was the equivalent of Lord Voldemort for the ad industry. However, ad blocking will begin leveling off next year. Ad blocking is cyclical so expect it to quietly fade away again, especially as publishers find ways around them.
7. Click Fraud and Ad Fraud Buzz Continues
The unnecessary evil that is click fraud will continue through 2016. Expect more of the same – advertisers working to develop ways to identify fraud and prevent cutting into their bottom line.
Ad Fraud isn’t going away either. In a recent survey, 90% of respondents were concerned about being victimized by ad fraud. Considering marketers are losing advertising funds to the tune of 30% in search, 27% in lead/conversion, and 27% in retargeting; they have a right to be concerned.
8. Instagram’s Popularity Grows
With 400 million users (and counting), Instagram is one of the fastest growing social networks. As mobile continues to grow – Instagram is anticipated to balloon to 2 billion social media users in 2016. Look for a greater focus on personality, fluidity of content, and the incorporation of multimedia content.
Source: Instagram
Bonus Prediction: Ad Fatigue
In November, South Park’s creators served advertisers and marketers a heavy dose of satire with “Sponsored Content,” an episode about ad blocking and sponsored content. We predict this isn’t the end of ad fatigue amongst people, namely Millennials.
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