8 Ways for Entrepreneurs to Spark Creativity

— September 3, 2018

8 Ways for Entrepreneurs to Spark Creativity


Even the world’s most successful entrepreneurs will tell you there is no book that can fully prepare you for entrepreneurship. As you embark on your entrepreneurial journey, you will face many challenges. One of those challenges is maintaining a flow of creativity that allows you to be both innovative and productive in the workplace.

Fortunately, there are ways to jumpstart our own creativity and think more creatively. If you’re an entrepreneur who sometimes struggles to get your creative juices flowing, here are eight methods you can use!

1. Step Outside the Box (Or office)

Sometimes we get too comfortable in our own workspaces, often spending hours at our desks. It’s important to take breaks throughout the day, whether it’s to get some fresh air, go for a walk, do some stretches or enjoy a cup of Joe with a coworker. Stepping away for a brief moment can be the best thing for your productivity. Give your brain a break and allow fresh ideas to percolate.

2. Visualize

Did you ever daydream as a kid? Creativity and innovation stem from our ability to use our imagination. Many people are wired as visual thinkers. Try a visual brainstorming exercise or two. You’ll be able to jumpstart your creative motor and also bring a little extra fun and enjoyment into the workplace!

3. Listen to Music

Research suggests that listening to your favorite music can help boost creativity. Whether your favorite genre is classical, new wave or even heavy metal—throwing on a pair of earphones might trigger the creative buzz you need!

4. Network

Join networking groups so you can collaborate with other entrepreneurs and creative people. This can help generate ideas and it’s a great opportunity to gather feedback. Creativity is all about making connections. Remember, two minds are better than one!

5. Google It

Don’t be afraid to scout our your competitors and observe what they’re doing. Of course, don’t copy their every move . . . they may be doing some things terribly wrong! Regardless, we can learn a lot from our competition. Sometimes that’s how we get the best ideas!

6. Use Technology

There are plenty of innovative tools that can help spark creativity. Here are some worth checking out:

Eyewire Creativity Cards is a simple website that provides a daily suggestion and exercises that help enhance creativity. All you have to do is refresh the page to see a new suggestion.

Brainsparker is a free app that provides a similar exercise to stretch your creative muscles. The app contains 200 cards containing thought-provoking words and phrases; you simply shake your device to shuffle the pack and produce a new card.

TED Talks allows you to glean inspiration from some of the world’s leading creative minds. You can view TED Talks across a variety of platforms, including mobile, tablet, and smart TV; or you can listen to TED podcasts for a variety of original content, or even use voice commands to play TED Talks on your smart speaker.

Trello helps you organize and prioritize your thoughts in a fun and creative way, and it also allows you to collaborate with other team members using visuals (which, as we mentioned earlier, can boost creativity).

7. Be Positive

There are several benefits to positive thinking that can trigger creative thought. Not only does positivity make you more willing to open yourself up creatively, but it also keeps you focused and helps you operate on a more productive level.

8. Start a Routine

Set aside time every day to get your creative juices flowing. For me, this takes place in the morning and can be invoked by listening to my favorite music in the car, visualizing how my day is going to go, or reading the latest blogs on what’s trending in the marketing world.

Like most things, creativity takes practice. Coming up with creative solutions to problems and thinking outside of the box is always possible, as long as you can observe things from a different and more creative perspective. When you’re able to stay in a creative space, that is when you are able to produce something truly fresh and innovative for your business.

There’s an endless supply of creativity. You just need to know how to use it.

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Author: Nikki Richard

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