The economic downturn has taken its toll on Canadians and Americans – business owners and workers alike. Many of those who lost their jobs had to take substantial pay cuts in order to work, or worse, no work at all out there.
Overtime is a thing of the past and many who would like a second job find they are few and far between. Just because times have been challenging doesn’t mean it’s impossible to build wealth or a profitable online business.
In fact building wealth can is actually more possible now than it ever was online.
So how do you build your dream business in economic downturns like this?
Let’s find out the “HOW” and what you can do to position yourself in business and finally get ahead…
Here are some ways to can position yourself in the driver’s seat to create wealth and freedom in your life. While creating wealth became more of a challenge, and have to find ways to make ends meet or entirely life changing.
While you might not have a sales funnel, an audience, or even a product, building a list still tops the charts for things “TO DO” while you’re waiting for other things to finish up, or your trying to find a product and a system to market.
Here’s my “TO DO” list to build your dream business…
Create an Online Course
Enough can’t be said about this. Online courses for 2014 have generated 56 billion in revenue and is going up. Online learning, also known as e-learning, is booming. Market research firm Global Industry Analysts projects it will reach $ 107 Billion in 2015.
Not only just create a course, but create something that has mass appeal. The reason, why I don’t do a blanket approach to courses, is because each topic is a course on its own.
Some idea’s are:
- Create Facebook course – Show people how to create ads, market effectively, build lists, create traffic and so on.
- Create a Twitter course – Show people how to get large followings, build a twitter chat audience, how to properly retweet and when, how to use Twitter lists to market a webinar or your sales funnel.
- Create a Linkedin Course – How to generate leads off Linkedin, how to use your profile as a sales page, how to leverage your connections, how to post to groups, what groups to target.
- List Building Course – How to build a responsive email list, how to incorporate Facebook into your list building
- Or whatever you want course
Reach Out to Your Contacts
While the Economy has taken a downturn this means reaching out is an “Upturn”. With a visible brand, a list of contacts, and some clear direction of what you want. If people know you’re in need to get making money, just reach out to your Rolodex of contacts and you will be amazed at how many opportunities there are out there. Create the opportunities and seize the moment.
Invest in Yourself
What I mean by investing in yourself, IS, coaching and mentorship. Let’s face it, you got tons of time now why not use that valuable time to gain valuable knowledge from your mentor or coach. It may cost you 10K, 25K, 50K, but this cost is in you, much like getting a University degree or getting your master’s degree. The wisdom and knowledge will come handy once you decide what business to pursue or even what online business model. You be ahead of everyone else and positioned yourself for explosive growth.
Take a Holiday
Maybe you just need a break from the rat race, and maybe you need to clear your head and come up with some fresh idea’s. Whichever the case may be, a break can sometimes be 10 steps forward and 2 back. A holiday can also reduce stress, clear your mind, re-focus your thoughts on business, and strategize a game plan. And quite possibly, it’s been a long time since you jumped on a plane and headed somewhere hot with lots of Mai Tai cocktail drinks by the outdoor pool!
Start a Blog
One of the things I love about being an Entrepreneur is having my own say on things through my blog. Being able to just creatively just write tell people the things I know about getting your dream job, and working your business full time like I do. Blogs are more than just that, they are the cornerstone of any branding or marketing campaign, every top earner has one.
So get a blog setup, pick a topic and get writing. And keep writing!
Quit Your Day Job
For me this was a little different, I was thrown into entrepreneurship simple because the industry my job was in was oil and gas. It’s a stark contrast to being a sports journalist with notes and a cluttered desk to working at a refinery for Syncrude, Canada. I had planned to keep working and work my business, but now I’m a full-time business owner, I’ll never look back to some, dull, boring, work out of town kinda of a job, now I’m on my way to becoming a self-made millionaire!
But for you, it might quite different altogether, you might like your job that you worked hard for and took years of schooling to get it. Making a decision to be a full-time entrepreneur might be a difficult one, but I can assure you that the freedom, money and the cool people you meet in this Internet Marketing industry are staggering. I’ve met people from all walks of life, and their amazing journey to become an entrepreneur.
Get Rid of Self Doubt
This little devil is a nasty one, but if you want to build an empire, conquering “Fear” is an absolute must. Many things can challenge a business owner, but doubting yourself leads to second guessing, and second-guessing leads to mistakes.
Don’t doubt yourself and your decisions to build a 5,6,7,8 figure dream business – “BELIEVE IN YOURSELF” and take action!
Get an Influencer
This is my last tip and probably the best one, get an influencer. What is an influencer? An influencer has done it all, built his empire, conquered fear along the way, took action, and is the authority in your industry. Why do you need an influencer? Because you need someone who can guide you past all the landmines out there in the business world. Someone who has all the tools at his disposal, and someone who cares about your success and is determined to get you there. This may be the best investment ever and it’s a decision that forever changed my life!
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