An Educative Guide To Pinterest For Educators

Hi, Welcome

December 2, 2015

Are you an educator looking to discover and share resources with your colleagues? Then you should definitely try out Pinterest.

Pinterest is the 3rd largest social media platform that focuses on images. It is a virtual pinboard where you can create boards and post (pin) images from websites you like on your boards.

Educators can use Pinterest to curate content, collaborate with other teachers, and share resources with educators and students.

Create an account

Creating an account on Pinterest is fairly simple. Sign up on by using your email or your Facebook or Twitter account. Then follow topics and categories you are interested in.

Don’t forget to add your information and upload a picture.

Create Boards

You can create boards and organize the resources you pin. Say for example, if you are a reading teacher, you can create a board called reading resources and pin your favorite reading resources on it. You’ll be able to share separate links to each board with your students or other teachers.

You can create as many boards as you want and decide whether you want to keep them private or public. Choose categories and descriptions that will helps others find your boards easily.

Follow Interests and Educators

A lot of teachers are on Pinterest. You can either follow other educators or just their boards which you are interested in. If you are looking for classroom ideas, enter your keyword in the search bar and you will find boards with various resources that you can follow.

In addition, you can also follow topics you are interested in. Go to the Education category to find specific subjects with material or resources.

Invite educators to contribute

While creating boards there is also an option to invite other people to contribute to the board. A collaborative board can have several educators pinning their favorite resources in one board. You can also engage with fellow educators through the comments section.

This is a great feature for educators as teachers can join together and create lesson plans by pitching in ideas.

Pin and Repin

Once you create your boards, start curating images from various educational websites that you follow and organize your pins under different boards. You can even repin content you find interesting from your newsfeed.

Pinterest is a great site for educators to collaborate with teachers from all over the world. So, get yourself an account on Pinterest and start sharing resources with other teachers.

Happy Pinning!

This post first appeared on Tuning Forke’s Blog.

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