An Ultimate List of 71 Free Online Courses to Boost Your Career Success [Infographic]

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November 24, 2015

It used to be that if you wanted to take classes, you had to enroll in a college. But that’s no longer the case. E-learning has completely revolutionized the way that we learn. Nowadays, anyone can take classes online in a huge variety of topics. There are different options for the types of courses you can take. One option is to study traditional topics that you’d see in a brick and mortar school, like math, marketing, or architecture. These might be helpful if you want to improve your work skills or if you are seeking a job or a promotion. Another option is to take practical classes like money management, time management, or self-confidence courses. These are wonderful if you want to work on personal development.

What Are The Benefits of E-Learning?

E-learning offers a convenient alternative to traditional classes. Anyone can pass online courses in any possible field. You can learn at your own pace and based on your schedule. If you can think of something you want to learn, you can almost guarantee that there is an e-learning class for you. Best of all, most classes are free as long as you register for the program. So, you can take as many classes as you want and gain valuable life skills without creating a financial hardship for yourself or your family.

Who Should Take Courses?

Everyone can take online courses. As long as you have an Internet connection, you can learn. And even if you don’t have an Internet connection, you can visit a library and borrow a computer. Even very busy people can find time to take online classes. Because the courses work with your schedule, you can work for an hour every evening or on weekends. You will definitely need to be committed to your learning, and you might have to make sacrifices to find the time to take the classes. You will also need time-management skills to make time for your classes. But if you put in the effort, then you can absolutely benefit from e-learning courses.

What Options Are Available?

There are hundreds of places online to take e-learning courses. Some are traditional colleges that have added some free online courses to their course catalogue. Others are lifestyle website that provide classes on practical skills and fun hobbies. This EssayMama’s infographic contains 71 course options. They’re divided into the following categories: Programming and Design, Business and Marketing, Humanities and Social Sciences, Math and Physical Sciences, Life Sciences and Health, Personal Development, and Lifestyle. Once you’ve selected the category that interests you, look through the course offerings. The original version of infographic is clickable, so you can easily navigate back and forth between the sites you want and the infographic.

There’s no way to know the quality of the courses until you begin taking the lessons. That’s why the top half of the infographic shows several well-established platforms like Open Learning, MIT, and Khan Academy. They have been thoroughly vetted by users, so you know you’re going to have a great experience You can sign up for one of these platforms or one of the many other courses available.

How Do You Get Started?

Just choose one and sign up! Take an hour or two every week to get started. If you take one class, you might find that you want to take a lot more! The world is your oyster. And because online learning is so easily accessible, there is no excuse not to get started today. Go out there and conquer the world!


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