People today are more connected than ever. Social media and technology are booming. Need to get information to someone? Text, email, or put it on the Cloud. But what do these digital trends mean for resumes? Are the days of traditional resumes gone, replaced by online portfolios and profiles?
Not yet.
While many people use social media and networking as a way to connect with potential employers and pique their interest, conversations almost always end with, “Send me a copy of your resume.” It’s great to be able to talk yourself up and show what you can do, but at the end of the day, an employer wants something they can refer back to – your resume in their hands.
And with a resume, you can tailor it to exactly the position you’re seeking to better align yourself with what you know the employer is looking for. You’re not going to continually update your digital presence to appeal to everyone you network with. There’s no telling who is looking at what profile and when. Your online presence can say a lot about you and give recruiters and hiring managers access to resources and information not on your resume, but having a polished resume on hand is still essential.
Industries are Slow to Change
Technology may have made leaps and bounds in recent years, but corporate America is slower to change. Companies have invested a lot of time, effort, and money into applicant tracking systems (ATS) and other programs. They’re not going to do away with them overnight because platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram are now available. Hiring managers still want a copy of your resume to see how you measure up to what they’re looking for. Plus, it gives them all of your information in just a page or two. They can see your education, experience, accomplishments, and more in one glance. No clicking between pages or sites necessary.
A Complete Branding Package
Resumes, cover letters, online portfolios, social media, and other resources are all part of your comprehensive branding package. These elements should work together to paint a clear picture of who you are and what you can do. Make sure that all of your documents convey the same message and information matches across platforms. While they may show who you are in different ways, you don’t want them to have conflicting information.
Another reason the resume lives on is because it’s mobile. You can pass it around to people in your network who can send it on to people in theirs. Handing (or emailing) someone a resume that effectively shows what you have to offer means they have it right at their fingertips. They don’t have to worry about connecting to a website or signing in to see your profile. Open the attachment or glance down at the paper and there you are, staring back at them. Plus, they can file your resume away on their computer and pull it up whenever they need it.
While resume trends may be changing with the times, the resume certainly isn’t dead. Make sure your resume is up to par by contacting Grammar Chic at (803) 831-7444 or
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