B2B marketers say improving data quality is top priority

Companies using content syndication and programmatic were almost twice as likely to have had a significant revenue increase last year.

B2B marketers say improving data quality is top priority

Improving data quality is the top priority of B2B marketers wanting to upgrade their go-to-market (GTM) strategies, according to a study from Ascend2 and Anteriad.

Two-thirds (66%) of B2B and B2B2C marketers surveyed cited improving data quality among their top three priorities for improving their GTM strategy. The next-highest priority, at 61%, is integrating technology. Next up, with 51%, was testing/implementing tactics, followed by the perennial pain point of aligning sales and marketing (50%), with enabling self-service rounding out the list at 35%. Not surprisingly, each of these was also seen as a top three challenge for marketers.

B2B marketers say improving data quality is top priority

In search of a bigger pie. Growing the audience continues to be a priority for B2B marketers, with 58% focusing on expanding their audience to new demographics and market segments this year. Another 35% want to maintain their current audience, while 5% will focus on narrowing their audience to more niche markets or specific industries. 


Reaching the audience. Nearly two-thirds (63%) of marketers report that reaching the right audience is a top challenge. About half said sourcing the right data and determining the right channel mix are top challenges.


For most, the channel mix means social advertising, search engine marketing, video marketing and account-based marketing. Content syndication and programmatic advertising are less frequently used, by B2B marketers — something they may want to reconsider. The report found marketers using both programmatic and content syndication are almost twice as likely to have had a significant revenue increase last year.

Methodology. Anteriad partnered with Ascend2 to survey 429 marketing decision-makers, senior management and above, in North America, Europe and APAC. These marketers represent B2B organizations with 250 or more employees targeting a variety of company sizes. The survey was done in February 2024. The full report can be found here. (No registration required.)


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About the author



Constantine von Hoffman is managing editor of MarTech. A veteran journalist, Con has covered business, finance, marketing and tech for CBSNews.com, Brandweek, CMO, and Inc. He has been city editor of the Boston Herald, news producer at NPR, and has written for Harvard Business Review, Boston Magazine, Sierra, and many other publications. He has also been a professional stand-up comedian, given talks at anime and gaming conventions on everything from My Neighbor Totoro to the history of dice and boardgames, and is author of the magical realist novel John Henry the Revelator. He lives in Boston with his wife, Jennifer, and either too many or too few dogs.
