I have been writing blogs on a regular basis for over two years now and I have to tell you, I love it! This wasn’t always the case. I was pretty nervous when I first started. I worried that I wouldn’t be able to find relevant topics to write about. I worried that I wouldn’t know how to add value to time-pushed readers. I worried about how to maintain my readers’ interest. But most of all, I worried about whether my boss and colleagues would like the finished article! It would take me days of pondering to hit on a winning blog topic, and an angle to take. Then it would take me a considerable amount of time to get my point across in an effective manner. But, when I published and shared my finished blogs and started to get some positive comments and feedback, I felt my worries shrinking away and my blogging confidence grow (slowly) – so I stuck with it…
Blog to Reflect
Thankfully, after several months of nervous blogging, I found my blogging mojo! Fast forward two years and now I really look forward to the time that blogging gives me to reflect on what I’ve been learning about in my career. Before I started blogging, I only really reflected on what I had learnt in my job when I was updating my CV or LinkedIn profile! But blogging has forced me to regularly consider what I’ve learnt as a marketing professional. This regular reflection has lead me to take far more responsibility of my own continued professional development, which is vital in a fast paced industry.
Blog to Learn
I soon realized that it’s not enough to just blog about whatever I happened to learn in my day to day job. So I quickly found myself doing more and more webinars on digital marketing and P.R. I attended as many training events and industry conferences that I could to ensure that I was at the leading edge of the industry. Then I’d try out new techniques that I’d learnt and if they were a success, I’d have the makings of a new blog. Win, win!
By reinvigorating my thirst for learning, I’ve found myself really broadening my knowledge base. I’ve written blogs on how to utilize persuasive marketing techniques, through to how to improve your SEO with a limited budget. And in a moment of madness, I once even decided to catalogue my learning by writing an A-Z of digital marketing and PR blogs. It’s fair to say that I am driven to learn by the need to write fresh and relevant content in every blog. And the continued professional development has really helped to boost my confidence and my career!
Blog to Share
Blogging promotes reflection and learning which are both fantastic things, but the very nature of it also encourages the sharing of knowledge. Sharing regular blog content on your social channels can help to position you as a thought leader among your peers. And this can do wonders for your career. But more than that, you can help other people by sharing what you’ve learnt. This is a biggie for me – I get a real kick out of knowing that my blogs are helping other people’s businesses. After all, to share is just another way to show that you care.
So, if you are looking to lift your industry knowledge, confidence and career to the next level then why not try setting up your own blog, (or company blog). And, if you need a hand, you know where to find us.
Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community(62)
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