Building a Customer Experience

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Building a Customer Experience image medium 5784347589 300x195.jpgBy , Published November 4, 2014

This particular phrase will be the focus for my marketing initiatives as we get closer to 2015.

If different marketing channels are going to come together for the company I work for, I really need to keep this idea at the core of my strategy.

People are finding out about the company I work for in a variety of ways: word of mouth, referral, brochures, visits, trade shows, email and direct mail campaigns, content marketing, social media sites and others.

In the past, my focus was looking at these different avenues and looking at which areas had the most return. “Go where your customers are..” – that old familiar phrase. Many articles suggest that digital is replacing traditional. In my case this is happening to a degree, but I can’t quite abandon some traditional areas that work well.

Instead, by focusing on the client experience I look at this topic more and more as a client and I am focusing my efforts in other areas besides these.

Here are some examples:

Continue to build a strong client service team

If people know you are available and can solve their issues, they will keep coming back.

Continue to look for ways to connect personally with current clients.

Develop staff that go out and regularly visit with your clients on the phone, in person, through sites like Linkedin or Twittter.

Look for ways to combine media

Develop and measure the effectiveness of traditional hand outs and mix it in with video playing in the background at trade shows. Be more diverse in the way media is used. Stand out from the crowd.

Continue to develop your personal brand

By developing your personal brand, you will continue to gain knowledge with different marketing channels and you will continue to find ways to maximize the delivery of your message.

Finally, and most important look at materials and methods from the client’s view.

If a client walked in with a whiteboard and pen and wanted to know more about your company, what would he or she write down. What would you and your company representatives talk about with respect to your company.

Look at your materials, would client’s look at your materials and want more. If the answer is no, it is time to upgrade your materials.

Look for ways to get their attention, keep them thinking and encourage them to come back and look for more.

photo credit: Charlottes Photo Gallery via photopin cc

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