— November 14, 2017

Social media campaign
Have you ever seen how a restaurant employee makes your double chicken burger with extra cheese, large French fries, a latte, mineral water bottle and delivers it in the timeline during peak lunch hour? If your little son has also hopped along with you for an ice cream shake, it is added to a mini toy. How is that done in a jiffy for a customer satisfied to return again? So many things are combined together just to satiate the hunger to make it an affordable meal. What has this to do with data appending and social media campaigns, you may ask. A lot can be explained in a quick manner especially, to save your time to understand. Take a bite, and chomp on the following things to improve the profiles of social media ‘made-to-order’ campaigns.
Getting burger’s bun basics dead-on
- The wholesome chicken burger (is the social media campaign)
- Extra cheese, large French fries, a latte, mineral water bottle (different data that is appended) to make it appealing
- Ice cream shake and the mini toy (value addition and takeaway)
- The Buns (data on basis of which the entire concept of burger (campaign) is made
Now if you have the drift, we can switch over to the actual topic of data appending to make a smacking social media profile.
It is undeniable when done correctly an online campaign is an ideal way for direct marketing. They are no longer flashes in the pan but mainstream methods to get customers coming to you rather than you going to them. Just remember the diner goes to the restaurant; it is not the other way round! Once you know how social media can work for you constantly, you are in good space. Professional companies offer to do data appending for you. So if you’ve got mail and a fantastic subscriber list, SMC can get stats from nearly 35% urls, which include various networks, followers, and friends. The key to the package deal lies in the appending (p)art.
Follow the preferred media
Just like everyone picks the favorite burger from the menu stack, they also have a preferred social media network could be Facebook, Instagram or twitter-perhaps all spread through the day or number of days. Your campaign should follow their preferred media. Various researchers show that emails still constitute a big share on the digital platform (about 75%). Email data appending with the right parties offer targeted prospects. It could be a combination of a Facebook, Pinterest and twitter feed. However, do not ignore the 25% that does not wish to see the brand online. Such information indicates data appending is useful in improving the social media profiles. Customers tend to monitor their accounts; you prepare a menu (campaign) that they can order when they come online.
How customers use social media
If you a sucker for blog tips and advice, did you ever read when is the best time to catch up with the potential prospect online-Lunchtime, coffee break or a weekend? Should be on Facebook or sending an email directly to the inbox? When you approach a professional company to handle this aspect, they will not tell how to do email marketing. They will try to understand how best to leverage the data, where and what to append for successful results. Plugging on to the customer activity is essential to get the right data mix on the online platform. Otherwise, what is the use of the data collection?
Combine CRM and social data
As you may have noticed that whenever people respond to social media they leave their ‘footprints’ i.e. data for marketers. This means every response; interaction, comment or engagement can become ‘data’ to check out their behavior. Why should this be important to you? It will help to understand their behavior. This is CRM and social responsibility, which can be fitted to make a campaign more relevant. Appending the data this way will offer interesting results. Segmentation will be of use. Start making a list of emails of those people who purchase your products frequently. They can be addressed directly via emails. CRM data will reveal the number of emails that are relevant. So out of the 10, 000 emails a few hundred can be on the priority list. Then this (data) can be appended to the social records that have been fished out. It will add to the CRM data. As multiple channel accounts are used, such appended data can improve performance. Have a dashboard to check how the same can be utilized across platforms.
Value & Takeaway
Get hold of some influencers to hitch the customers. They are like referrals. Customers influence each other to use brands. Like a Facebook post of one person living in Los Angeles buying a cheap ticket to fly across the globe asked friends and frequent flyers if Turkish Airlines was better or Emirates to get to New Delhi. The answers provided enough insight data. Choose your service partner carefully by profiling their work for best data appending methods.
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