Category Archives: ABM Strategy

The ABM Comfort Zone: B2B Brands Are Spending On Process, And Some Are Earning ROI

The ABM Comfort Zone: B2B Brands Are Earning ROI by Ray Schultz , Columnist, September 21, 2022 Account-based Marketing (ABM) is working for at least some B2B brands.  Of all B2B marketers, 53% of users say ABM generates more revenue than other marketing efforts. And it produces decent return on investment — for some. Granted, … Continue reading The ABM Comfort Zone: B2B Brands Are Spending On Process, And Some Are Earning ROI

24 questions to ask ABM vendors before signing the contract

Plus 15 questions to ask customer references, preferably in a business similar to your own. Kim Davis on July 29, 2022 Most B2B marketing organizations today practice some kind of account-based marketing (ABM) strategy. At its most basic, that means investing marketing and sales resources in guiding high value accounts through the journey to conversion. … Continue reading 24 questions to ask ABM vendors before signing the contract

Buying group marketing: The next evolution of ABM

Account-based marketing must adopt buying group strategies to secure B2B buy-in. Corey Patterson on February 25, 2022 For years, marketers have engaged audiences with account-based marketing strategies to better align sales and marketing practices and, in turn, provide more relevant, personalized content and messaging. In the B2B space, this process has naturally evolved into buying group marketing, … Continue reading Buying group marketing: The next evolution of ABM