Category Archives: Coaching Sales

User Experience Myth Or Truth: The Three-Click (Or Tap) Rule

Contributor Shari Thurow explores the much touted three-click rule. Do you abide by it in your UX work? Shari Thurow on October 24, 2014 As a web professional, I believe in ongoing education and training. I attend industry conferences, webinars, and other events on the topics of usability, web design and development, information architecture, and … Continue reading User Experience Myth Or Truth: The Three-Click (Or Tap) Rule

Important Tips to Share With Clients As a Business Coach

Did you just start a business coaching service? If you did, you will need to have a step-by-step guide for your clients. This guide should focus on the various components of running a successful business, including marketing, sales, conflict resolution, leadership development, organization, and communication. Your step-by-step guide should cover all of these topics and … Continue reading Important Tips to Share With Clients As a Business Coach