Category Archives: Coaching Sales

Sales Team Motivation by Accountability – A Sales Manager’s Guide to Holding Salespeople Accountable

I received a call from a Sales Director recently who told me that his Sales Managers fail to hold their salespeople accountable. He said: “My Sales Managers are too soft on their salespeople 95% of the time and too hard on them 5% of the time.” He went on to explain that when attempting to … Continue reading Sales Team Motivation by Accountability – A Sales Manager’s Guide to Holding Salespeople Accountable

Coaching for Sales Professionals: Hit the Numbers

A coach is someone who supports and trains an individual to hone certain skills. A typical example of a coach is a sports coach who prepares athletes physically, mentally, and emotionally for competitions. A sports coach gives physical exercises to improve the athletes’ strength, endurance, agility, and overall performance. He teaches values such as perseverance … Continue reading Coaching for Sales Professionals: Hit the Numbers