When you’ve been mulling something over forever you don’t need more discussion, you need a decisive answer. This is how to find it. BY Nell McShane Wulfhart I’m a decision coach. I only offer one thing: a single session in which I help someone make a big decision. In an hour. I have helped people … Continue reading How I figure out the answer to strangers’ most challenging problems in one hour
Category Archives: Communication Challenges
Meredith Whittaker: Signal’s job is ‘to preserve private communications’
November 02, 2024 Meredith Whittaker: Signal’s job is ‘to preserve private communications’ The Signal president tackles digital surveillance and privacy on the latest episode of the ‘Rapid Response’ podcast. BY Robert Safian Our digital activity, including our most private interactions and conversation, is constantly monitored and tracked. For Meredith Whittaker, president of Signal, this is a … Continue reading Meredith Whittaker: Signal’s job is ‘to preserve private communications’
Tina Turner: A Communicator’s Inspiration
Tina Turner: A Communicator’s Inspiration by Ivy Cohen , June 7, 2023 Raw. Ageless. That Voice! Legs. Gorgeous. Rock ‘n’ roll. Daring advocate and inspiration. As the light on the life that was Tina Turner has dimmed, we can’t help carry heavy hearts. There’s no question that this powerhouse performer left an indelible mark … Continue reading Tina Turner: A Communicator’s Inspiration
The science of miscommunication at work
By Kathleen Davis December 05, 2022 People speak an average of 7,000 words a day by some estimates. Of course, that varies widely depending on your job, your position, your family, and even your personality. But regardless of how many words you are speaking, we are all taking in a lot of information. In … Continue reading The science of miscommunication at work